Tag: Peter Göllner

Report: Qualifying Brno

Ingo Gerstl flys by in his Toro Rosso STR 1 in 2019 Brno Qualifying

First row for the Top Speed drivers Gerstl and Höher.

Qualifying for races 9 and 10 of the BOSS GP 2019 was held at 11 degrees outside temperature and in drizzle. At least the choice of tyres was easy: all the drivers went for the Pirelli Cinturato rain tyre. Despite the difficult weather conditions the BOSS GP pilots did a good job keeping their racing cars on the slippery track.

As expected, Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) in Toro Rosso STR1 took another pole position for the two races in Brno. Next to him Christopher Höher (AUT, Top Speed) starts from row 1 in the best FORMULA car.

Despite a spin at the beginning of Q2 Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) got into the right rhythm. With position 3 he starts one place ahead of rival Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center). Bracalente had to deal with less driving time in Q1 for yesterday’s top 5. Although the conditions in both sessions remained the same, the drivers from Q2 were able to rewind significantly more laps. In the rain this is usually an advantage.

From row 3 the reigning champion Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed) and Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center) will start the races. Haezebrouck finished the session with an even faster time, but it was cancelled due to the disregard of a yellow flag. The same happened to four other pilots.

Last year’s winner Marc Faggionato (MCO, Zig-Zag) ended up eighth behind Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing), Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed) in ninth place despite little rain experience, Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) in 10th place overall.

Nicolas Matile (MCO, Zig-Zag) and Gianluca Ripoli (ITA, MM International) starting from row 6. Walter Steding (DEU, Inter Europol), who rolled out with a defect shortly before the end of qualifying, and Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) will start from row 7. Teammate Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) missed the qualifying session, but can start in the races.

The first race over 20 minutes starts today at 14:50 on Saturday.

Report: Rennen 2 Brünn

Start for race 2 in Brno

Ingo Gerstl fixierte im drittletzten Rennen der Saison seinen vierten BOSS GP-Titel, der Fahrer des Rennens war auch in Lauf 2 Marc Faggionato.

Der Höhepunkt der Masaryk Racing Days in Brünn war am Sonntag zur Mittagszeit angesetzt. Pünktlich heulten die Motoren dann auch auf, und Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) und Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom Racing) rasten beim fliegenden Start aus der ersten Reihe los. Das ganze Rennen über blieben Gerstl, Stratford und Wolfgang Jaksch (DEU, F Xtreme Racing) in Sichtweite. In Gefahr war der zehnte Saisonsieg Gerstl aber nie. Der Toro-Rosso-Pilot fixierte damit auch die dritte Meisterschaft in drei Jahren, insgesamt gewann Gerstl damit heute zum fünften Mal einen BOSS GP-Titel nach 2008, 2011 (FORMULA), 2016 und 2017.

Ein Wörtchen um das Gesamtpodest hätte vielleicht auch der Mann des Rennens mitreden können: Marc Faggionato (MCO, ZIG-ZAG Motorsport Service) hatte wie schon gestern die schwierige Aufgabe, von ganz hinten loszufahren. Ein Kupplungsproblem verhinderte den Start im Zeittraining, damit wurde er in der Startaufstellung ganz hinten angereiht. Von dort aus setzte er sich in der ersten Runde schon auf Rang 8, zu Mitte des Rennens dann auf Gesamtrang 4. Mit Rundenzeiten schneller als Stratford und Jaksch holte er zwar wie gestern auch Zehntel um Zehntel auf, ein Einholen war zu diesem Zeitpunkt aber nicht mehr möglich. Dennoch schaffte es Faggionato, beim zweiten Start des Jahres zum zweiten Mal zu gewinnen.

OPEN podium f.l. Stratford, Gerstl and Jaksch

OPEN-Podium v.l.: Stratford, Gerstl and Jaksch

FORMULA podium f.l. Göllner, Faggionato and Schnitzenbaumer

FORMULA-Podium v.l.: Göllner, Faggionato and Schnitzenbaumer


Hocherfreut am Podest war auch Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center). Göllner stand nach dem Assen-Doppel zum dritten Mal in diesem Jahr verdient am Podium. Tabellenführer Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed) durfte ebenfalls noch mit zur Siegerehrung, und baute damit die Führung auf Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) weiter aus, der Vierter in der FORMULA wurde. Fiedler liegt vor dem Finale in Spielberg (21.–23. September 2018) 38 Punkte hinter Schnitzenbaumer; 25 Punkte gibt es für einen Sieg in der BOSS GP.

Nicolas Matile (MCO, ZIG-ZAG Motorsport Service) fuhr im einzigen Auto-GP-Boliden ungefährdet auf Klassenrang 5. Wie schon in Rennen 1 lieferten sich Walter Steding (DEU, Inter Europol), Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed) und Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) einen beinharten Kampf im Mittelfeld. Steding konnte sich in der allerletzten Kurve gegen Jakoubek behaupten und wurde damit Sechster in der FORMULA.

Einen Doppelausfall musste H&A Racing beklagen: Veronika Cicha (CZE) konnte ihr Heimrennen ebenso wenig beenden wie Bernd Herndlhofer (AUT), der zeitweise auf Podestkurs lag.

Auf einen Start verzichtete MM International mit den Fahrern Salvatore De Plano und Armando Mangini (beide ITA). Einer ihrer Mechaniker verletzte sich am Vortag schwer. Im Namen der BOSS GP-Organisationen und allen Teams und Fahrern wünschen wir ihm und seinen Angehörigen das Allerbeste für seine Genesung.

Get well soon!


Fotos: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Report: Race 2 Brno

Start for race 2 in Brno

Ingo Gerstl secured his fourth BOSS GP OPEN title in the third last race of the season; the driver of the race was again Marc Faggionato.

The highlight of the Masaryk Racing Days in Brno was scheduled for Sunday at noon. The engines howled on time and Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) and Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom Racing) started from the front row at the flying start. Throughout the race Gerstl, Stratford and Wolfgang Jaksch (DEU, F Xtreme Racing) remained within sight. But Gerstl’s tenth victory of the season was never in danger. The Toro Rosso pilot thus also fixed the third championship in three years, Gerstl won today for the fifth time a BOSS GP title after 2008, 2011 (FORMULA), 2016 and 2017.

A word about the overall podium could perhaps have been said by the man of the race: Marc Faggionato (MCO, ZIG-ZAG Motorsport Service) had, as yesterday, the difficult task of starting from the rear. A clutch problem prevented the start in qualifying, so he was positioned at the back of the grid. From there, he already took 8th place on the first lap and then 4th overall in the middle of the race. With lap times faster than Stratford and Jaksch he caught up tenths by tenths like yesterday but catching up was no longer possible at this point. Nevertheless, Faggionato managed to win for the second time at the second start of the year.

OPEN podium f.l. Stratford, Gerstl and Jaksch

OPEN podium f.l. Stratford, Gerstl and Jaksch

FORMULA podium f.l. Göllner, Faggionato and Schnitzenbaumer

FORMULA podium f.l. Göllner, Faggionato and Schnitzenbaumer


Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) was also very pleased with his podium finish. After the Assen double, Göllner stood on the podium for the third time this year. Championship leader Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed) was also allowed to take part in the award ceremony and thus extended his lead to Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing), who finished fourth in the FORMULA. Fiedler is 38 points behind Schnitzenbaumer before the final in Spielberg (21-23 September 2018); 25 points are given for a victory in the BOSS GP.

Nicolas Matile (MCO, ZIG-ZAG Motorsport Service) drove in the only Auto GP bolide without any problems to class rank 5. As already in race 1 Walter Steding (DEU, Inter Europol), Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed) and Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) fought a tough fight in the midfield. Steding was able to hold his own against Jakoubek in the very last corner and finished sixth in the FORMULA.

H&A Racing had to complain of a double loss: Veronika Cicha (CZE) could not finish her home race either, nor Bernd Herndlhofer (AUT), who at times was on a podium course.

MM International with the drivers Salvatore De Plano and Armando Mangini (both ITA) did not start. One of their mechanics was seriously injured the day before. On behalf of the BOSS GP organisation and all teams and drivers we wish him and his relatives the very best for his recovery.

Get well soon!


Pictures: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Report: Rennen 2 Assen

Ingo Gerstl (Toro Rosso STR1)

Roy Glaser gewinnt mit einer dominanten Vorstellung die FORMULA-Klasse und holt damit Saisonsieg Nummer 2; Gerstl vor Stratford in der OPEN.

Es war das Wochenende der Comebacks: Roy Glaser (SUI, Speed Center) war zwar gestern der schnellste Fahrer der FORMULA-Klasse, doch verhinderten zwei Dreher ein Spitzenergebnis. Heute ließ Glaser der Konkurrenz allerdings nicht den Hauch einer Chance. Überlegen gewann der Schweizer seine Klasse, in der Gesamtwertung schaffte er es damit auf Rang 3.

Vor ihm platzierten sich die schnellsten Piloten der offenen Klasse. Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) holte sich Saisonsieg Nummer 8. Damit könnte sich der Salzburger schon beim vorletzten Rennwochenende in Brünn (7.–9. September) zum BOSS GP-Meister 2018 krönen.

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom Racing) fuhr zum siebenten Mal in diesem Jahr aufs Podest, und auch zum siebenten Mal auf Rang 2 – für Stratford mit seinem Benetton B197 war es das reibungsloseste Wochenende des gesamten Jahres. Im Unterschied zu Assen-Vorjahressieger Wolfgang Jaksch (DEU, F Xtreme Racing), der seinen 2006er-Super-Aguri schon zur Rennhälfte Ende Start-Ziel abstellen, ein technisches Problem zwang ihn schon vorher mehrfach abseits der Strecke.

Vor vollen Tribünen mit begeisterten niederländischen Fans waren vor allem die Duelle im Mittelfeld sehenswert. Und da war vor allem Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) die große Überraschung des Wochenendes. Der Schweizer fuhr das beste Rennwochenende seiner BOSS GP-Karriere, und das trotz Unfalls im Freien Training. Mit Platz 2 in der Klasse FORMULA bestätigte er seine Leistung des Vortages.

Aufs Podest schaffte es heute auch Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed), der ein hartes Rennen durchlebte. Nach dem Unfall gestern musste er im zweiten Rennen aufs Ersatzauto wechseln. Ohne Servolenkung und mit den Folgen einer Operation ging der Deutsche körperlich an seine Grenzen gehen – mit Rang 3 baute er seine Meisterschaftsführung aus. Mit ein Grund dafür war der Ausfall von Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing), der sein Auto auf Rang 2 liegend in der Box abstellte. Damit muss Fiedler in Brünn Punkte auf Schnitzenbaumer gut machen, sonst fällt auch hier die Meisterschaftsentscheidung schon in Tschechien.

Blick nach vorne: Als nächstes gastiert die BOSS GP als Headliner der Masaryk Racing Days Anfang September (7.–9.) im tschechischen Brünn, das Saisonfinale findet zwei Wochen später in Spielberg (21.–23. September) statt, im großen Rahmen der DTM.


Stimmen nach dem Rennen:

Neuer Streckenrekord-Halter und Doppelsieger Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed): „Der Rekord war natürlich klasse, jetzt zählt er. Im Qualifying war ich ja noch schneller. Das zweite Rennen war ruhig, aber die 25 Minuten Rennzeit sind schon richtig lang in einem Formel-1-Auto.“

FORMULA-Sieger Roy Glaser (SUI, Speed Center): „Zwei Rennwochenenden dabei, zweimal gewonnen – was will man mehr? Am Schluss bin ich heute ohne Risiko gefahren. Leider kann ich aufgrund der Arbeit bei keinem weiteren Rennen in diesem Jahr mehr dabei sein.“

Dritter FORMULA Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed): „Ich musste nach dem Unfall gestern das Auto wechseln. Wenn du einmal Servolenkung fährst, fährst du nie mehr was anderes. Zu Rennhalbzeit wollte ich schon aufgeben. Am Schluss musste ich langsamer fahren, ich konnte es nicht mehr halten.“


Bilder: Michael Kavena/BOSS GP

Report: Race 2 Assen

Ingo Gerstl (Toro Rosso STR1)

Roy Glaser wins the FORMULA class with a dominant performance, win number 2 for the Suiss; Gerstl ahead of Stratford in the OPEN.

It was the weekend of the comebacks: Roy Glaser (SUI, Speed Center) was the fastest driver of the FORMULA class yesterday, but two spins prevented a top result. Today, however, Glaser did not give his competitors the slightest chance. The Swiss won his class superiorly, in the overall rankings he thus made it to rank 3.

In front of him classified the fastest pilots of the OPEN class. Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) clinched season’s victory number 8, allowing the Salzburg-born racing driver to crown himself BOSS GP Champion 2018 at the penultimate race weekend in Brno (September 7-9).

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom Racing) climbed on the podium for the seventh time this year, and for the seventh time in second place – for Stratford with his Benetton B197 it was the smoothest weekend of the whole year. In contrast to last year’s Assen winner Wolfgang Jaksch (DEU, F Xtreme Racing), who already had to retire his 2006 Super Aguri at the end of the race, a technical problem forced him off the track several times before.

In front of full stands with enthusiastic Dutch fans the duels in the midfield were especially worth seeing. Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) was the big surprise of the weekend. The Swiss drove the best race weekend of his BOSS GP career, despite an accident in free practice. With second place in the FORMULA class he confirmed his performance of the previous day.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed), who had a tough race, also made it on to the podium today. After yesterday’s accident, he had to switch to a spare car in the second race. Without power steering and with the consequences of an operation, the German went to his physical limits – with rank 3 he extended his championship lead. One reason for this was the retirement of Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing), who was in the second place when he was forced to stop the car due a technical failure.

Looking ahead: Next, the BOSS GP will be the headliner of the Masaryk Racing Days at the beginning of September (7-9) in Brno, Czech Republic. The season finale will take place two weeks later in Spielberg (21-23 September), as part of the DTM weekend.


Quotes after the race:

New track record holder and double winner Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed): “Of course, the record was great, now it counts. I was even faster in qualifying. The second race was smooth, but the 25 minutes of racing time are really long in a Formula 1 car.”

FORMULA winner Roy Glaser (SUI, Speed Center): “Two race weekends, two wins – what more could you ask for? In the end, I drove without risk today. Unfortunately I can’t be at any more races this year because of my job.”

3rd FORMULA Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed): “After the accident yesterday I had to change the car. Once you drive a car with power steering, you’ll never drive anything else. I was about to give up halfway through the race. In the end I had to slow down, I couldn’t hold it anymore.”


Photos: Michael Kavena/BOSS GP

Report: Qualifying Hockenheim F1

Ingo Gerstl lieferte ein fast perfektes Qualifying zum Höhepunkt des BOSS GP-Jahres. Bernd Herndlhofer startet beim Comeback als Bester der Klasse FORMULA.

Bei 20 Grad Außentemperatur und 25 Grad Streckentemperatur waren die Augen zunächst in Richtung Himmel gerichtet. Immer wieder begann es am Vormittag zu regnen, fürs Qualifying der BOSS GP blieb es allerdings zur Freude der meisten Fahrer trocken – die Pirelli-Regenreifen konnten damit auf den Radwägen bleiben.

Titelverteidiger Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) darf heute Abend das Feld beim fliegenden Start ins erste von zwei Rennen führen. Mit 1:20.939 min verfehlte er zwar die 1:20er-Marke, dennoch konnte den Toro Rosso STR 1 von Gerstl keiner von Platz 1 verdrängen. Phil Stratford (Penn Elcom Racing) geht von Startposition 2 aus ins Rennen. Stratford verbremste sich einmal in der Sachs-Kurve, daraufhin rollte der Benetton durchs Kies. Er schaffte aber aus eigener Kraft den Weg zurück auf das Asphaltband.

Der gestern kurzfristig eingesprungene Johann Ledermair verzichtet nach Klassenrang 1 im Freien Training gestern auf einen Start heute. Stammfahrer Thomas Jakoubek wird dafür am Nachmittag für Top Speed starten. Bernd Herndlhofer (Top Speed) hatte damit einen Gegner weniger, mit 1:29.382 war er Klassenschnellster GP2-Fahrer.

Am nächsten kam dem Österreicher der Monza-Sieger Armando Mangini. Der Italiener war in Q2 am Start, und hatte damit mehr Zeit zur Verfügung, die der alte Fuchs auch bis zur letzten Sekunde nützte. Der erfahrene Pilot und Teambesitzer steigerte sich stetig, und setzte am Ende der 18 Minuten mit 1:30.0 die Zweitschnellste Zeit in der Wertung FORMULA, er geht in Startreihe zwei ins 20-minütige Rennen um 18:00 Uhr.

Stetig gesteigert hat sich Luca Martucci (MM International), der Teamkollege Mangini auf seinen schnellsten Runden um die Strecke folgte. Er startet von Startplatz 5, und damit gemeinsam mit der schnellsten Dame Bianca Steiner aus Startreihe 3. Steiner konnte sich ebenfalls von mittleren 1:30er-Runden auf 1:30.783 steigern, damit lag sie am Ende nur 6 Hundertstel hinter Martucci. Alle Fahrer im längeren Q2 profitierten von einer unterbrechungsfreien Session.

Auch Roy Glaser (Speed Center) im schwarz-neongelben Auto war zügig unterwegs, mit Rang 7 ist der Schweizer Speed-Center-Pilot sicher zufrieden. Im Rennen könnte der Schweizer das Podium anvisieren.

Wolfgang Jaksch (F Xtreme Racing) durfte zwar aufgrund des Rückzugs von Ledermair in Q1 antreten, mit Rang 8 steht er aber sich nicht dort, wo der Deutsche stehen könnte. Sicher unangenehm war für Jaksch, dass sich während der Fahrt sein Funkkabel vom Helm löste. Auch Lebensgefährtin Veronika Cichá war erbost: Die Tschechin verlor in ihrer Outlap eine Radnabe und musste aufgeben.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) wird garantiert auch nicht zufrieden sein: Der Tabellenführer in der FORMULA startet nur von Gesamtrang 11. Die wenigen Runden in Q1 konnte er nicht so nutzen, wie er sich das vorgestellt hatte.

Christian Eicke und Peter Göllner (beide Speed Center) stellten ihre Autos in die Top-10, was durchaus als Überraschung zu bezeichnen ist.

Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) und Gianluca Ripoli (MM International) legten fast gleichzeitig eine Pirouette in der Spitzkehre hin, beide konnten aber sofort wieder weiterfahren. Becker war lange Zeit mit seinem Unfallgegner von gestern Walter Steding im Parallelflug auf Zeitenjagd – Becker wurde hinter Wolfgang Jordan 13., Steding 15.

Rennen 1 von 2 an diesem vierten Rennwochenende des BOSS GP-Jahres startet um 18:00 Uhr.


Foto: Daniel Glaser

Report: Qualifying Hockenheim F1

Ingo Gerstl had an almost perfect qualifying session to mark the highlight of the BOSS GP year. Bernd Herndlhofer starts as best of the FORMULA class.

With an outside temperature of 20 degrees and a track temperature of 25 degrees, the eyes were initially directed towards the sky. It started raining again and again in the morning, but for the qualifying of the BOSS GP it remained dry to the delight of most drivers – the Pirelli rain tyres could thus remain on the wheel wagons.

Defending champion Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) will lead the field into the first of two races at the flying start this evening. With 1:20.939 min he missed the 1:20 mark, but none of Gerstl’s opponents could displace the Toro Rosso STR 1 from first place. Phil Stratford (Penn Elcom Racing) starts from position 2 on the grid. Stratford once locked brakes into the Sachs corner and the Benetton then rolled through the gravel. However, he managed to get back onto the tarmac.

Johann Ledermair, who jumped in yesterday at last minute, has decided not to start today after finishing first in free practice yesterday. Regular driver Thomas Jakoubek will start for Top Speed this afternoon. Bernd Herndlhofer (Top Speed) therefore had one less opponent, with 1:29.382 he was the fastest GP2 driver in his class.

The closest to the Austrian was Monza winner Armando Mangini. The Italian was at the start in Q2, and thus had more time at his side, which the old fox also used until the last second. The experienced pilot and team owner increased steadily, and set the second fastest time in the FORMULA classification with 1:30.0 at the end of the 18 minutes, he starts the 20-minute race at 6.00 pm from second row.

Luca Martucci (MM International) followed his team mate Mangini on his fastest laps around the track. He started from grid position 5, and together with the fastest lady Bianca Steiner from row 3. Steiner could also increase from medium 1:30 laps to 1:30.783, with that she was in the end only 6 hundredths behind Martucci. All drivers in the longer Q2 benefited from an uninterrupted session.

Roy Glaser (Speed Center) in the black-neon-yellow car was also quickly on the way, with rank 7 the Swiss Speed Center pilot is certainly satisfied. The Swiss could be aiming for the podium in the races.

Wolfgang Jaksch (F Xtreme Racing) was allowed to compete in Q1 due to the withdrawal of Ledermair, but with rank 8 he is not where the German could stand. It was certainly unpleasant for Jaksch that his radio cable detached itself from the helmet during the session. His girlfriend Veronika Cichá was also angry: the Czech lost a wheel hub in her outlap and had to give up early.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) will not be satisfied either: The leader of the FORMULA standings only starts from 11th overall, but could not use the few laps in Q1 as he had hoped.

Christian Eicke and Peter Göllner (both Speed Centers) put their cars in the top 10, which is quite a surprise.

Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) and Gianluca Ripoli (MM International) did a pirouette in the hairpin bend almost simultaneously, but both were able to continue immediately. Becker and his accident opponent from yesterday Walter Steding were on a time chase for a long time in parallel flight – Becker finished 13th behind Wolfgang Jordan, Steding 15th.

Race 1 of 2 on this fourth race weekend of the BOSS GP year starts at 18:00.


Photo: Daniel Glaser

Report: Free Practice 2 Spielberg

Phil Stratford with his Benetton in the uphill section

11 drivers took part in the second and last free practice session before qualifying (Saturday, 9:40 am). Among others Ingo Gerstl, the fastest of the morning, stayed in the pit.

In dry conditions Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) set the best time in the Dallara GP2. Only shortly before the end the US-American Phil Stratford (Penn Elcom Racing) could readjust the order again in his Benetton Formula 1. Stratford had already announced, that he would take it slower today, collecting kilometres was the motto for the runner-up in the championship – he completed 14 laps within the 25 minutes.

Natural spectacle: Armando Mangini on one of the most beautiful race tracks in the world

Natural spectacle: Armando Mangini on one of the most beautiful race tracks in the world


Fast again (3rd place, 1:19.8 min), but with difficulties: The Austrian Reinhard Kofler ran only three laps in the second practice session. The Austrian rolled out in the second corner. When rolling out, he crossed the circuit, which can be described as quite precarious. Fortunately, cars and drivers remained safe.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer and Bianca Steiner (both Top Speed) were on tandem flight again around the Red Bull Ring. The two placed 5th and 6th, behind Armando Mangini (1:19.997 min; MM International), who lost one second to Johann Ledermair’s FORMULA best time.

Peter Göllner had some troubles during practice

Peter Göllner had some troubles during practice


Like in the first training Peter Göllner had technical difficulties, a long evening awaits the mechanics of Speed Center. Karl-Heinz Becker in the only World Series car was certainly not yet on the limit of vehicle and driver with 1:33.8 min.

The two races will start on Saturday at 3:05 pm and on Sunday at 10:40 am. Admission to the Rundstreckentrophy in Spielberg, Austria is free.

Report: Free Practice 1 Spielberg

Ingo Gerstl sets a new BOSS GP record, even with traffic during his fastest laps

Ingo Gerstl set a new BOSS GP lap record in the first free practice session at the Red Bull Ring: In 1:11,292 min the man from Salzburg completed the 4.2-kilometer long mountain and valley track. Fastest FORMULA pilot was Johann Ledermair. Sports car specialist Reinhard Kofler (Top Speed) was runner-up in his first outing in a GP2.

With an outside temperature of 18 degrees and sunshine the first official session started at 9:30 am. Already after two minutes the first car was out: Armando Mangini (MM International) spun at the exit from the pit lane. The Italian lost control on cold tyres, but he didn’t hit anything. The safety team brought the car back into the pits and Mangini was able to continue the training session.

Johann Ledermair sets the fastest time in second class


After the session restarts, all 12 drivers made their way onto the track. This did not stop Ingo Gerstl in his Toro Rosso from improving from 1:15 min in his first fast lap to 1:11.2 min in his fastest lap – this is a new BOSS GP lap record.

Top Speed team-mates Florian Schnitzenbaumer and Bianca Steiner tried to do some laps together. Ten minutes before the end of the session, Schnitzenbaumer blocked the rear wheels when braking to the second corner. His vehicle was pushed behind the barriers after the spin.


Reinhard Kofler

Reinhard Kofler proved his talent in his first ride


Reinhard Kofler, former European kart champion and Formula Renault racer, made his debut in Top Speed’s BWT car. The current KTM works driver in the GT4 European Series already gave a test of talent in his very first laps in a 600-hp GP2 car: With a 1:19.8 he was only 1.3 seconds behind Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) in second place in the FORMULA classification. For the races we can expect a five-match between Ledermair, Schnitzenbaumer, Fiedler, Kofler and Mangini.

Another Top Speed driver, Thomas Jakoubek, was missing in the 1st free practice, he will only get into the car later.

In the lap back to the pits Peter Göllner (Speed Center) stopped his Dallara GP2, his car is back in the pits for repairing.


Report: Race 2 Hockenheim

Man of the Race: Andreas Fiedler

At almost 30 degrees Celsius hot duels at the Hockenheimring were obligatory: Gerstl wins the OPEN class confidently, Schnitzenbaumer the FORMULA class.

The chronology of the race:

Preliminary start: 13 drivers and two female drivers entered the second race of the weekend, which demanded everything from both the drivers and the Pirelli tyres. The Austrian Thomas Jakoubek (Top Speed) did not participate like yesterday, Salvatore de Plano had to stay in hospital overnight after his crash in race one. The Italian had injured his back, but is on the road to recovery. Bernd Herndlhofer (H&A) and Wolfgang Jaksch (F Xtreme Racing Team) had already retired before qualifying, so there were only two starters left in the top class.

Start: From the start Ingo Gerstl set the pace. 1:25.5 min at the beginning of the race proved that there is nothing to win here for Phil Stratford in his Benetton. Gerstl said after the race: “I wanted to show at the beginning what I could do.” They stayed within a six-second margin for the whole race, at the end Gerstl crossed the finish line three seconds ahead. Stratford was pleased with Gerstl’s pace: “I’m happy to follow and feel the air turbulences, the aerodynamics, when I can drive so close to Ingo’s Toro Rosso”.

Lap 1: John Reaks had to brake across the grass, but the Briton could continue and finish last, four laps behind the leaders.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed), yesterday’s FORMULA winner, had less work today. His equal opponent de Plano was missing, so the German set the pace in the smaller class. Armando Mangini was able to keep up with Schnitzenbaumer’s speed for a while, driving 1:21 times – the Italian did not have the consistency of the German, even though Schnitzenbaumer’s shoulder hurt: “In the middle of the race I felt uncomfortable due an old operation”.

Manfred Loach wanted to bring a good result home today after retiring early yesterday due to an increased oil temperature. After a bad start the Austrian fought his way forward place by place.

Lap 2: “Piter” in the white Dallara from the World Series had to fight with the same difficulties as yesterday. Twice he stopped after the slowest part of the course, accelerating out of the hairpin – twice he was able to continue. But after four laps he drove into the pits.

The man of the race was German Andreas Fiedler in GP2, who started from 10th place and passed FORMULA driver Bianca Steiner, who had previously finished third, who was targeting on a podium as she did yesterday. A self-error led to a spin in the first race, today she made no mistakes and finished 4th in the FORMULA. “We had too much tyre pressure. At the end of the race I come closer again on Andreas. One more lap, maybe then …” Fiedler thus reached his first podium. The German with the GP2-Dallara machine became third FORMULA driver behind Schnitzenbaumer and Mangini.

Lap 6: Veronika Cicha got stuck in fourth gear, on the approach to the hairpin with almost 200 km/h. She touched the tyre bundles with her nose, but was not injured.

Lap 7: Shortly afterwards Peter Göllner parked his car in turn 2-3. The marshals worked quickly, so the safety car was able to stay in the pits today.

Last lap: Loach bets 8th in the fight to attack Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition) and spun. It was the last retirement of the race. Karl-Heinz Becker finished seventh and the almost 75-year-old achieved a sensational result.

The results of the second race of BOSS GP 2018:


  1. Gerstl
  2. Stratford


  1. Schnitzenbaumer
  2. Mangini
  3. Fiedler
  4. Steiner
  5. Becker
  6. Steding
  7. Eicke
  8. Kindler
  9. Loach
  10. Reaks