Schlagwort: FORMULA Class

Report Rennen 2 Monza

Grande Finale in Monza. Die schnellste Rennserie Europas wurde ihrem Namen mehr als gerecht, unter schwierigsten Bedingungen krönte sich Ulf Ehninger zum neuen Meister der BOSS GP Racing Series.

Schon am Morgen präsentierte sich der königliche Park von Monza grau in grau. Auch der Pirelli-Verantwortliche Thomas Hummer blickte gespannt in den Himmel: „Das ist wirklich schwierig, wenn’s so bleibt, würde ich die Slicks nehmen.“ Kurz vor dem Start wurde der Regen stärker, die meisten Piloten entschieden sich für die Pirelli-Cinturato-Regenreifen.

Nicht aus der Ruhe bringen ließ sich Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing), in der Manier eines Zen-Meisters brachte der Benetton-Pilot seinen ersten OPEN-Titel ins Trockene. „Ich habe rein gar nichts riskiert, früh geschalten und mich aus allem rausgehalten. Ich kann es gar nicht glauben, mit so etwas hätte ich nie gerechnet“, konnte Ehninger seinen Triumph kaum fassen. Für Titelfavorit Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) war es ein durchwachsenes Wochenende. „Ich möchte Ulf gratulieren, er war immer zur Stelle und hat sich den Titel verdient“, zollte der alte Champion dem neuen Respekt.

Den Tagessieg holte sich erneut Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio). Diesmal musste der FORMULA-Pilot aber deutlich mehr kämpfen als am Vortag: „Ich bin auf Regenreifen gestartet, in der Safety-Car-Phase habe ich auf Slicks umstecken lassen. Der Dank geht an meine Mechaniker.“ Mit den frischen Slicks konnte der Italiener den lange führenden Paul O‘Connell (IRL, HS Engineering), der selbst durch ein sehenswertes Manöver in der ersten Lesmo-Kurve in Front ging, noch einholen und kurz vor Schluss überholen. O‘Connell war trotzdem sehr zufrieden: „Ich habe gepokert, bei uns auf der Insel haben wir oft solche Bedingungen, ich habe die Slicks riskiert, am Ende hat es sich ausgezahlt“, gab der sympathische Ire zu Protokoll.

Podium Rennen 2 Paul O’Connell (2.), Sieger Marco Ghiotto und Thomas Jackermeier (3.)

Zum ersten Mal aufs Podium durfte auch Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed). Der Rookie zeigte eine hervorragende Leistung und war durch diverse Reifenwechsel der Konkurrenten plötzlich in Führung gegangen: „Am Freitag bin ich den Toro Rosso gefahren, mit dem Sebastian Vettel hier zum ersten Mal gewonnen hat, jetzt stehe ich selber, auch im Regen, auf demselben Podium. Das ist wirklich mega cool“, war der Fanatec-CEO komplett aus dem Häuschen.

In der ersten Rennhälfte war Michael Aberer (AUT, MA Motorsport) einer der Schnellsten. Der Regenspezialist konnte seine Erfahrung am rutschigen Geläuf ausspielen und war bald im Spitzenfeld zu finden. Letztlich wäre der Wechsel auf Trockenreifen wohl die bessere Wahl gewesen, so blieb nur Rang 8.

Auch Serienkoordinator Willie Beck war nach dem GlobeAir Grande Finale entsprechend zufrieden: „Wir haben eine fantastische Saison ohne Unfälle gesehen, als BOSS GP-Familie sind wir in diesem Jahr noch weiter zusammengewachsen, das macht Mut für die neue Saison.“

Fotos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP, Robert Lösch

Report: Training & Qualifying Spielberg

Rain makes racing very difficult

Die schnellste Rennserie Europas bringt den Spaß des Rennsports zurück an den Red Bull Ring. Die Startaufstellung wurde aufgrund des Regens schon gestern ausgefahren.

Der Samstag begann wie vorhergesagt pitschepatschenass. Auch bei schwierigen Bedingungen gingen die brachialen BOSS GP-Boliden auf die Strecke (erstmals auch im Livestream). Die Rennleitung entschied aus Sicherheitsgründen, das Zeittraining als 3. Freies Training auszufahren und die Startaufstellung aus den kombinierten Zeiten von FP1 und FP2 aufzustellen.

Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed, Toro Rosso STR1) holte auch beim siebenten Saisonrennen zum siebenten Mal Position 1 im Qualifying. Vom ersten zum zweiten Training steigerte er sich um mehr als dreieinhalb Sekunden. Mit 1:12.082 min lag er gestern aber noch weit hinter den Zeiten vom Mai, wo der Lokalmatador schon an der 1:10er-Marke gekratzt hatte. Im Regen war Dominator Gerstl im Formel-1-Auto gar nur Fünfter, was ihn selbst überraschte: „Vielleicht passt was an der Zeitnehmung nicht“, schmunzelte der bereits vor den Finalrennen an diesem Wochenende feststehende BOSS GP-Meister 2018.

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom, Benetton B197) klagte im ersten Training über technische Probleme und für ihn verkürzte Fahrzeit. Im 2. Training reihte er sich aber locker auf den zweiten Gesamtrang. Den Regen am heutigen Vormittag nützte er für Trainingskilometer. Der in Kalifornien lebende Stratford hat kaum Regenerfahrung, kündigte für die Rennen aber an: „Sollte es regnen, fahre ich trotzdem!“

Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2) überraschte alle: Der Italiener mit Formel-3-Erfahrung darf als schnellster FORMULA-Pilot des Freitags diese Klasse ins Rennen führen. Im Regentraining setzte Martucci die Bestzeit, damit bringt er sich in die Favoritenrolle heute Nachmittag (Startzeit: 16:00 Uhr, auch im Livestream).

Luca Martucci was once off track, but very quick in dry and rain

Luca Martucci war einmal abseits der Piste, aber sowohl im Trockenen als auch im Nassen schnell


Aus Startreihe 2 fährt Salvatore De Plano (ITA, Top Speed, Dallara GP2) los. Der Italiener muss an diesem Wochenende von seinem Stammteam MM International zu Top Speed ausweichen. Bei MM International waren dieses Mal alle Autos vermietet. Bei Top Speed bot man dem flotten Italiener ein Ausweichquartier an, er dankte es mit einem gelungenen Freitag.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed, Dallara GP2) startet aus Reihe 3 und damit auch direkt vor seinem einzig verbliebenen Konkurrenten um die Meisterschaft: Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing, Dallara GP2). Schnitzenbaumer hat sich vorgenommen, achtsam in das heutige Rennen zu gehen und im Idealfall bereits heute den Titel klarzumachen.

Championship duel between Florian Schnitzenbaumer (l.) and Andreas Fiedler (r.)

Duell um die Meisterschaft in der FORMULA: Florian Schnitzenbaumer (l.) und Andreas Fiedler (r.)


Zwischen Schnitzenbaumer und Fiedler steht noch Marco Ghiotto (ITA, MRC Sport, Dallara GP2), der damit das Bruderduell mit Sergio (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2) gewann. Sergio Ghiotto startet von Rang 10. Im samstägigen Regen zeigte er mit Platz 2 aber, dass auch er noch Potenzial nach vorne hat. Gianluca Ripoli (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2) geht von Rang 8 ins Rennen, Newcomer Alain Valente (SUI, Speed Center, Dallara GP2) von Rang 9.

Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center, Dallara GP2), der in den letzten drei Rennen zweimal am Podest stand, geht gemeinsam mit Teamkollege Christian Eicke (DEU, Dallara GP2) aus Reihe 6 ins Rennen. Hans Laub startet mit seinem Formel-1-Forti in Mitten des FORMULA-Feldes von Position 13. Walter Steding (DEU, Inter Europol, Dallara GP2) startet von 14. Eicke, Steding und Armando Mangini (ITA, MM International, Lola F3000) kämpfen noch um Rang 3 in der Meisterschaft. Mangini geht mit einem Nachteil ins Rennen, denn er startet als einziger in einem Formel 3000 und war gestern weit hinter seinen unmittelbaren Kontrahenten.

Trouble for Thomas Jakoubek on Friday

Probleme für Thomas Jakoubek am Freitag


Für Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed, Dallara GP2) war gestern nach einem Getriebeschaden schon vorzeitig Schluss. Verzichten müssen wir leider auch auf den zweiten Toro Rosso von Top Speed. Frits van Eerd musste kurzfristig absagen, Ersatzfahrer Markus Lehmann war nur im ersten Training unterwegs.


Fotos: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

FORMULA class: Ledermair with 8th win of the season

Podium race 1 in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Well, it was an interesting race for the BOSS GP crews at the heart of Czechian motorsport in Brno on saturday afternoon. Seven out of 12 drivers finished the race properly. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) made it to the top of the podium, followed by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport). 

Already before the start, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) dropped out of the grid during the warm up lap due to technical issues. So finally a start grid of 14 drivers in total, eleven FORMULA cars, went on the track.

„It was a good start. I managed to stay close to the OPEN class cars, that worked out well“, race winner Johann Ledermair summed up. It was an impressive start for runner up Salvatore De Plano as well, who overtook a couple of cars and made it to position 4 of the total grid (incl. OPEN class) during the first two laps, what means position 2 of the FORMULA grid.

After a spun off the track by Peter Göllner (Speed Center) in lap 6, the safety car had to turn on the track and slowed the grid down for two laps. „That phase seemed a bit like loosing the thread of the race, taking the tension of the race“, Ledermair explained after the race. Goal of the young Austrian was, to attack the OPEN class cars in front of him. But due to another yellow flag phase after a further spin off the track by Göllner his plan didn’t work out as planned, Ledermair admitted. So at the end the Austrian crossed the finishing line on position 3 after 20:59,913 min of the overall grid and as first FORMULA driver of the grid, what meant P1 of his class. At the same time P3 of the overall start grid by Ledermair meant completion of „Austrian festival“ in Brno, since the three top positions all were held by Austrian drivers (P1: Ingo Gerstl, P2: Bernd Herndlhofer (both OPEN class)). Ledermair performed his bis lap with 1:45,709 (lap 2).

The Austrian was satisfied with the result of the race: „It was a clear win of the FORMULA class for me, so me and my team are happy with that.“ Looking ahead, Ledermair is thinking about the setup of his Dallara GP2: „We continuously work on the setup of the car since the first race of the season. Working with new tyres is a totally new experience for us, so we have to test and improve a lot of things each race. During today’s race we learned some new issues again, so we are not satisfied with the setup by 100% by now and will work on the setup until tomorrow’s race again“, Ledermair gave an insight for the rest of the day of Team Ledermair.

Meanwhile Salvatore De Plano gave a wide smile after crossing the finish line on P2 of the FORMULA class with a total time of 21:15,262 (best lap: 1:48,308 in lap 3). „Fantastico, fantastico!“, the Italian cheered. As a matter of fact the driver of team MM International Intersport made a huge jump from start position 8 to position 4 at the end of the race. Struggling with some issues De Plano wasn’t really happy with the performance of the Qualifying, but explained: „I don’t know exactly, what the problem was. The car was perfect, but I don’t know why – the car was suddenly slowly at the middle of the corner.“ Things worked out much better at the race, so De Plano was happy with the performance during the race. „Thanks to my team, we did a great job“, he said after the race, looking forward to Sunday’s race in Brno. „I will push immediately from the start“, is the plan of the overall ranked third of the FORMULA class. „I’m looking forward for a strong competition again, that’s always much more fun to race. So it will be great with Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track again“, De Plano explained.

The Top trio of the FORMULA class was completed by young Indian Mahaveer Raghunathan on P3, who crossed the finish line after 21:16,339 (best lap: 1:49,025 in lap 1).


Race 1 in Brno 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (r.) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (l.) on track during race 1 in Brno 2017.


Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsports, 21:18,737), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition, 21:32,689), Christian Eicke (Speed Center, 21:33,327) and Henk De Boer (De Boer Manx, 22:04,282) followed on positions 4 to 7 of season race 11.

In total five cars dropped out of grid and race. Besides Schnitzenbaumer Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) returned to the box in lap 5 due to technical issues. Technical issues as well stopped local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing) one lap later. Peter Göllner and Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing) dropped out due to technical issues in lap 7. Since BOSS GP rules require a completion of 75% of the laps of the race winner, none of the dropped out drivers drove the necessary eight laps for classification. Nevertheless drivers look forward to Sunday’s race (start: 12:10 p.m.), to hunt for championship points again.

The overall results of race 1 of FORMULA class at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Total time Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 20:59,913 1:45,709 2 11 184,003
2  999 Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:15,262 1:48,308 3 15,349 11 179,588
3 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 21:16,339 1:49,025 1 16,426 11 178,407
4  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:18,737 1:50,404 9 18,824 11 176,178
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 21:32,689 1:53,087 10 32,776 11 171,999
6 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:33,327 1:53,325 10 33,414 11 171,637
7 136 Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 22:04,282 1:53,155 1 1:04,369 11 171,895
8 321 Andreas Fiedler GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 13:53,190 1:49,748 3 4 177,231
9 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:05,640 1:51,976 2 4 173,705
10 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 12:29,943 1:56,092 2 5 167,546
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 9:53,378 1:52,501 3 6 172,894
12 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2


Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


So in total it’s the trio of Raghunathan (233 points in total), Ledermair (222) and De Plano (221), who lead the FORMULA field of the BOSS GP after season race 11. It can be assumed, that Ledermair will show strong attack on season race 12 this Sunday, to fight back for the Top 1 position of his class in total.


Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Ledermair is fastest at Qualifying

Johann Ledermair during Qualifying in Brno 2017.

A start grid of twelve drivers is racing the FORMULA class at the “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno (CZ) for season races 11 and 12. Almost all of the “usual suspects” are ranked on the top positions of the FORMULA grid after Qualifying.

Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), currently on position 3 of Championship ranking is obviously aiming for getting back to the top position of his class. At Qualifying in Brno he performed the fastest lap of the FORMULA drivers with 1:42,540 min instantly in first lap with his Dallara GP2, significantly improving his best lap time from the free practice session (1:47,561).

Ledermair was followed by Mahaveer Raghunathan (MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2), who performed his best lap in lap 2 with 1:44,829 (gap: 2,289 sec). A real close gap of only 0,56 sec behind Raghunathan, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) was finishing his best lap at in 1:45,388 with his Dallara GP2..

So it’s the trio of Ledermair, Raghunathan and Schnitzenbaumer, who lead the FORMULA field of the BOSS GP after Qualifying and will start from positions 3, 5 and 6 of the overall start grid. Surprisingly Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), who showed strong and increasing performances during the last races and always taking a spot at the Top 3 trio, finished Qualifying this time on position five (1:46,502), with teammate Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport) in front of him ranked fourth of the FORMULA class at Qualifying with his best lap in 1:45,743.


Qualifying in Brno 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (l.) and Andreas Fiedler (r.) during Qualifying in Brno 2017.


On next positions followed Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Christian Eicke (Speed Center), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) and Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing).

It was Göllner, who caused two red flag phases during Qualifying, when he spun off the track twice. Nevertheless the Swiss managed to bring home a good personal lap record, which finally brought him position 11 on the start grid for the race on afternoon (start: 3:00 p.m.).

The overall results of Qualifying of FORMULA class at “Masaryk Racing Days”:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2  1:42,540 1 4 189,690
2 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,829 2 2,289 4 185,548
3 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,388 3 2,848 4 184,564
4  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:45,743 6 3,203 6 183,944
5  999 Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:46,502 3 3,962 7 182,633
6 136 Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 1:48,187 3 5,647 4 179,789
7 321 Andreas Fiedler GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 1:48,627 1 6,087 7 179,060
8 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:48,954 2 6,414 6 178,523
9 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:49,237 1 6,697 2 178,061
10 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:49,748 6 7,208 8 177,231
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 1:51,401 1 8,861 2 174,602
12 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 1:52,067 3 9,527 4 173,564


Since OPEN and FORMULA class have different classifications, but drive together at the race, the whole start grid of 15 drivers will start into the race on afternoon. Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed, OPEN class) once more this season owns the pole position. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) as fastest FORMULA driver will start from position 3, still in front of OPEN class driver Bernd Herndlhofer (H&A Racing Team) on position 4.


Result Qualifying Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Result Qualifying Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


This is the complete start grid for race 1 at the “Masaryk Racing Days”  in Brno 2017:

Start grid race 1 in Brno 2017.

Start grid race 1 in Brno 2017.



Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Qualifying in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Raghunathan shows fastest lap during first free practice

Mahaveer Raghunathan raced fastest lap time during first free practice of the race weekend in Brno 2017.

12 drivers had registered for the BOSS GP FORMULA class at the “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno (CZ). Season races 10 and 11 will take place at the circuit in the southeast of Czechia. The first free practice was scheduled on Friday morning (7th of September) at 11:00 a.m. It was a smooth practice session under best conditions.

Both BOSS GP classes – OPEN and FORMULA class – went on track together for the practice session. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) went on track first. With the exception of Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), due to technical issues, all other FORMULA drivers followed the Austrian on track. Weather conditions in Brno are great: 17°, sunny and dry.

One red flag phase slowed drivers down after a couple of legs, when local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) spun off the track with her Dallara GP2. But finally drivers tested the circuit with Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) finally racing the fastest lap of the FORMULA grid on the 5.403 km long track with an 1:44,907 min with his Lola Auto GP.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Raghunathan, staying seven laps on track, was followed by Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) with a best lap time in 1:45,855 min. The German is back on track after not racing the races in Zolder (July) and Assen (August) and was showing a good performance during his nine laps on track during first free practice in Brno. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) completed the trio of the fastest FORMULA drivers at the practice session with a best lap time of 1:47,561.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Andreas Fiedler (Fiedler Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) completed the grid with their best lap times. Since time transponders of currently overall ranked second of the FORMULA class, Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), as well as Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), ranked fourth at the overall standings, didn’t work properly, results are not completed.

It can be assumed, that Walter Steding, not taking part in the first free practice session, will be on track for the second free practice, which starts at 4:00 p.m. and will run 25 minutes.

Results of first free practice of FORMULA class at „Masaryk Racing Days“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,907 5 7 185,410
2 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,855 5 0,948 9 183,749
3 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:47,561 3 2,654 3 180,835
4 321 Andreas Fiedler GER Fiedler Racing Dallara GP2 1:49,586 1 4,679 3 177,493
 5 101  Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:50,574 6  5,667 8 175,908
 6 136  Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  1:52,078  1  7,171  3  173,547
 7 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan  1:52,299 8  7,392 8  173,205
 8 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:53,457 6  8,550 8 171,438
 9 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 2:03,657 2  18,750 2 157,296
 10  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2
 11  999  Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport  Dallara GP2



Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

OPEN class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


FORMULA Class: Raghunathan rast im ersten freien Training von Brno allen davon

Mahaveer Raghunathan raced fastest lap time during first free practice of the race weekend in Brno 2017.

Zwölf Fahrer hatten sich für die BOSS GP FORMULA class bei den „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno (CZ) gemeldet. Die Saisonrennen 11 und 12 werden am zweiten Septemberwochenende auf der Strecke im Südosten Tschechiens ausgetragen. Das erste freie Training stand am Freitag (7. September) um 11:00 Uhr an. Es war im Großen und Ganzen eine reibungsfreie Trainingssession bei besten Bedingungen.

Beide BOSS GP Klassen – OPEN und FORMULA Class – starteten parallel ins freie Training. Nur zwei OPEN Class Fahrer nutzten die Gelegenheit, die Strecke auszutesten. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) verließ die Box als Erster. Mit Ausnahme von Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition) aufgrund technischer Probleme folgten alle anderen FORMULA Fahrer dem Österreicher auf die Strecke. Brno hielt für Fahrer und Teams beste Bedingungen bereit: trockene 17° Grad und Sonne.

Eine rote Flaggen-Phase bremste die Fahrer nach den ersten zwei Runden aus, nachdem Lokalmatadorin Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) mit ihrem Dallara GP2 von der Strecke gedreht war und diese kurzzeitig gesperrt werden musste. Anschließend testeten die Fahrer den Parcours jedoch ausgiebig, wobei am Ende der Session Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) die schnellste Runde des FORMULA Starterfeldes auf der 5.403 km langen Strecke mit 1:44,907 min in seinem Lola Auto GP fuhr.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer ist in Brno 2017 zurück auf der Strecke.

Auf Raghunathan, der während der Trainingseinheit insgesamt sieben Runden abspulte, folgte Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) mit einer Bestzeit von 1:45,855. Der Deutsch meldete sich damit stark im Starterfeld der BOSS GP zurück, nachdem er während der vergangenen Rennen in Zolder (July) und Assen (August) pausiert hatte. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) komplettierte das schnellste Trio der FORMULA Class mit einer Bestrundenzeit von 1:47,561.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Johann Ledermair beendete das erste freie Training in Brno 2017 als Drittschnellster.

Andreas Fiedler (Fiedler Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) und Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) komplettierten das Starterfeld. Da die Zeitransponder von, Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), aktuell Zweitplatzierter der FORMULA Class, sowie von Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), aktuell Vierter im Gesamtranking, nicht einwandfrei funktionierten, ist das Endresultat des freien Trainings nicht gänzlich vollständig.

Es ist anzunehmen, dass Walter Steding, der beim ersten freien Training nur Zuschauen konnte, am Nachmittag für die zweite Trainingseinheit, die um 16:00 Uhr startet (25 min) auf die Strecke gehen wird.

Ergebnisse des ersten freien Trainings der FORMULA Class bei den „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno 2017:

Position Nr. Name Nat. Team Auto Schnellste Runde  (min) In Abstand  (s) Runden km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,907 5 7 185,410
2 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,855 5 0,948 9 183,749
3 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:47,561 3 2,654 3 180,835
4 321 Andreas Fiedler GER Fiedler Racing Dallara GP2 1:49,586 1 4,679 3 177,493
 5 101  Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:50,574 6  5,667 8 175,908
 6 136  Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  1:52,078  1  7,171  3  173,547
 7 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan  1:52,299 8  7,392 8  173,205
 8 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:53,457 6  8,550 8 171,438
 9 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 2:03,657 2  18,750 2 157,296
 10  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2
 11  999  Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport  Dallara GP2



Bildergalerie Brno 2017:

Zeitplan Brno 2017:

OPEN Class: Erstes freies Training Brno 2017:

FORMULA Class: Startliste “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Saison 2017:

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Ergebnisse des ersten freien Trainings in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


Zeitplan für die „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno (CZ)

Race 2 in Assen 2017.

An diesem Wochenende ist BOSS GP Teil der „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Tschechien. Ein Motorsportevent, bei dem Fans und Liebhaber schneller Autos voll auf ihre Kosten kommen. Am Freitag steht für die BOSS GP Teams das erste freie Training auf dem Plan. Wir freuen uns auf ein spannendes Rennwochenende in Zolder. 

Die „Masaryk Racing Days“ sind ein weiteres spektakuläres Rennevent, bei dem die BOSS GP Teams Halt machen. Es findet vom 08/09/2017 (Freitag) bis 10/09/2017 (Sonntag) auf der Rennstrecke in Brno statt, die knapp 200 km süd-östlich der tschechischen Hauptstadt Prag liegt. Motorsportfans belegen hier die Pole Position. Nicht nur, wenn die BOSS GP Wagen für die Saisonrennen 11 und 12 auf die Strecke gehen, sondern auch während zahlreicher weiterer Rennserien, die an diesem Wochenende in Brno ausgetragen werden, wiedas  GT3CCCE, die HAIGO Formula oder der Swift Cup Europe.

Veronika Cicha: Car and team in Assen 2017.

Veronika Cicha ist in Brno als gebürtige Tschechin die Lokalmatadorin.

Nachfolgend gibt es den Zeitplan für das BOSS GP Rennwochenende. Beide Klassen, FORMULA und OPEN, haben wie gewohnt den gleichen Plan und gehen gemeinsam auf die Strecke.

Trainingstag am Freitag, 08/09/2017

Traditionell beginnt das Rennwochenende für Fahrer und Teams mit dem ersten freien Training am Freitag. Das erste Mal werden die Fahrer um 11:00 Uhr auf die Strecke gehen, um das erste freie Training zu absolvieren (25 min). Das zweite freie Training startet um 4:00 Uhr (25 min).

Die Strecke in Brno ist bereits am Freitag mit zahlreichen freien Trainings und Qualifyings auch der anderen Rennserien vollgepackt. Los geht es 10:00 Uhr, das Programm endet am Freitag um 17:45 Uhr.

Qualifying und Renntag 1 am Sonnabend, 09/09/2017

10:05 Uhr und 15:00 Uhr richten sich die BOSS GP Augen am Samstag auf’s Geschehen. Das Qualifying findet am Vormittag ab 10:05 Uhr statt (30 min), der Startschuss für das erste Rennen fällt um 15:00 Uhr. Die “Masaryk Racing Days” öffnen ihre Tore bereits am Morgen um 9:20 Uhr mit dem Qualifying der GT3CCCE. Der letzte Prorgrammpunkt endet um 18:30 Uhr.

Renntag 2 am Sonntag, 10/09/2017

Das zweite BOSS GP Rennen des Wochenendes findet am späten Sonntagvormittag um 12:10 Uhr statt. Insgesamt stehen am Sonntag neben den letzten Qualifyings auch acht verschiedenen Rennen im Programmplan. Los geht es 8:30 Uhr, Schluss ist gegen 16:50 Uhr.

Wie bei jeder guten Rennverstanstaltung gilt auch an diesem Wochenende – im Zeitplan kann es jederzeit noch zu kleinen Änderungen und zeitlichen Verschiebungen kommen.

Weitere Informationen über die „Masaryk Racing Days“ gibt es auf der Website des Gastgebers unter:!/rennsaison/276/masaryk-racing-days-boss-gp/programme

Das BOSS GP Team wird an allen drei Tagen auf allen Kanälen berichten. Nicht nur auf der Website, sondern auch auf unseren Social Media Kanälen:

Start is coming. Assen 2017.

Fahrer und Teams freuen sich auf das Rennwochenende in Brno (CZ).

Sechte Station der Meisterschaftssaison 2017

BOSS GP trägt 2017 auf sieben verschiedenen Rennstrecken Europas insgesamt 14 Rennen aus. Hockenheim (GER) im April, Zandvoort (NED) im Mai, Paul Picard (FRA) im Juni, Zolder (BEL) im Juli und Assen (NED) im August haben bereits stattgefunden. In Brno werden die Saisonrennen 11 und 12 ausgetragen. Letzte Station der Saison wird Ende September/Anfang Oktober der BOSS GP Superprix auf der Rennstrecke in Imola (ITA) sein.


Die aktuellen Saisonergebnisse finden sich hier:

Alle Informationen zur Rennstrecke in Brno gibt es hier:


Timetable for the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno (CZ)

Race 2 in Assen 2017.

This weekend BOSS GP will be part of the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno in south-east Czechia. One more event, which provides great action for motorsport fans and enthusiasts. Starting on Friday with the first free practice, the BOSS GP crew is looking forward to an exciting race-weekend in Brno.

The „Masaryk Racing Days“ are an spectacular event from 08/09/2017 (Friday) until 10/09/2017 (Sunday) at the Circuit Brno, about 200 km south-east of the Czech capital Prague. Racingfans will come on pole position. Not only when BOSS GP will go for season races 11 and 12 on track, but also watching couple more spectacular racing series, such as GT3CCCE, HAIGO formula or the Swift Cup europe.

Veronika Cicha: Car and team in Assen 2017.

Will be local hero in Brno (CZ): Veronika Cicha, her car and team.

Following you find the schedule for the BOSS GP race weekend in Brno. Both classes, FORMULA and OPEN, will have as usual the same schedule:

Practice day on Friday, 08/09/2017

Traditionally the race weekend begins for drivers and crews with the first free practice on Friday. First time, drivers will go on track, will be at 11:00 a.m. for the first training session (25 min). Second free practice will start at the late afternoon, 4:00 p.m (25 min).

Brno track will be packed full with free practices and Qualifyings whole Friday from 10:00 a.m. until ca. 5:45 p.m.

Qualifying and racing day 1 on Saturday, 09/09/2017

10:05 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. will be the dates to watch out on Saturday. Qualifying will be held in the morning at 10:05 a.m (30 min), whereas the first race of the weekend will start in the afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The “Masaryk Racing Days” will open its schedule in the morning at 9:20 a.m with the Qualifying of the GT3CCCE. The programme will close ca. 6:30 p.m..

Racing day 2 on Sunday, 10/09/2017

The second BOSS GP race this weekend will be held on Sunday late morning at 12:10 p.m. The overall schedule provides Qualifyings and eight different races on Sunday. The programme starts at 8:30 a.m. and is about to finish ca. 4:50 p.m.

As every good racing event – the schedule is always subject to – minor – changes.

You can find further informations about the „Masaryk Racing Days“ at the website of the circuit:!/season/276/masaryk-racing-days-boss-gp/programm

BOSS GP team will be on track all days and provide plenty of live coverage and updates not only on our website but also on all our social media channels:

Start is coming. Assen 2017.

Teams are looking forward to race in Brno (CZ).

Step six of season 2017

BOSS GP is competing at seven different European venues in 2017, holding 14 races in total. Hockenheim (GER) in April, Zandvoort (NED) in May, Paul Picard (FRA) in June, Zolder (BEL) in July, Assen (NED) in August are done. Brno will set season races 11 and 12. Last Remaining track after the event in Brno will be Imola (ITA, September/October).


Find detailed statistics of current standings here:

Find all informations about the Circuit in Brno on this website:


FORMULA class: Ledermair takes second P1 of the weekend – De Plano with P2 after incredible race

Podium of FORMULA class of race 2 in Assen 2017.

New day, new challenges. Race 2 of the „Gamma Racing Days“ in Assen (NED) went more or less smooth in front of an awesome crowd of 94.500 spectators. Twelve drivers started in the BOSS GP FORMULA class. There were no crashes tough as on Saturday, despite early exits of Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing) and Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport).

First trouble occured already before race start. Ingo Gerstl (Team Top Speed, OPEN class), ranked on start position 14 after his early race exit on Saturday, was put on the pole position by a decision of race director and stewards due to safety reasons. „Actually I was surprised about that decision, made by the race management. I didn’t ask for, it was decided because of safety reasons“, Gerstl explained after the race, since there was some trouble about that decision anyway. Finally Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), initially set on pole position, started from position 2 of the start grid, followed by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport).

Ledermair showed a strong performance, dominating the FORMULA grid as on Saturday again. „The car was brilliant, my team has done a great job – everthing worked out smooth!“, Ledermair was fine with his race after the podium ceremony. „I think I lost some time during the yellow flag phase, since there was a signifcant gap to the other cars before the yellow flag and no gap, when the yellow flags were gone.“ Nevertheless the Austrian brougth his second P1 of the weekend home safely, with an gap of 11,673 sec in front of P2, Salvatore De Plano, and driving his fastest lap in 1:25,624 min.

The Italian had have some „tyre trouble“ at the first race on Saturday. „Our race went perfect today. Tyres worked out great, race conditions were fine, it was just a perfect race for us, fantastico!“, De Plano smiled widely after the podium ceremony. He had driven his fastest lap in 1:26,726 and in fact sent Mahaveer Raghunathan on P3. The Indian finished with an significant gap of 18,516 seconds behind De Plano.

De Plano preparing for race 2 in Assen 2017.

De Plano preparing for race 2 in Assen 2017.


Marc Faggionato (Zig Zag), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), PETER (Ray-Ban), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and Wolfgang Jordan (H&A Racing) finished on following positions. Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) had to quit his race after lap 10 due to technical issues. Veronika Cicha spun off the track already in first lap. Peter Göllner had a spun during the start phase too, but managed well and was able to continue the race, as well as Wolfgang Jordan in lap 5.

These are the results of the FORMULA class at race 2 in Assen:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Total time Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:25,624 3 26:41,624 18 184,30
2 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:26,726 2 26:53,130 18 182,97
3 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP 1:27,661 4 27:11,646 18 180,89
4 129 Marc Faggionato MC Team Zig Zag Dallara GP2 1:28,244 9 27:24,519 18 179,48
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:33,302 13 26:41,110 17 174,10
6 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:33,010 3 27:14,320 17 170,57
7 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:30,698 12 27:24,096 17 169,55
8 111 ‘PETER’ FRA Team Ray Ban Dallara World Series by Renault 1:33,845 10 26:26,226 16 165,40
9 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:34,142 13 26:26,631 16 165,36
10 105 Wolfgang Jordan GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 1:36,602 9 27:50,682 15 147,22
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Dallara World Series by Nissan 1:34,189 9 17:24,223 10 157,03
12 222 Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Dallara GP2

So at the end of the race weekend in Assen, fifth stage of the BOSS GP championship 2017 overall, the total ranking of the FORMULA class hasn’t changed that much
: Mahaveer Raghunathan is keeping the lead of the overall ranking with now 213 points, followed by Salvatore De Plano with 199 points. Johann Ledermair follows sharply behind on third rank with now 197 points.

Since OPEN and FORMULA class have different classifications, but drive together at the same race, the whole start grid of 14 drivers started at the same race. Next stage of the 2017 BOSS GP championship season is Brno (CZ) on 9th/10th of September 2017.


Picture gallery of Assen 2017:

OPEN class: Race 2 at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Race 1 at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Free practice at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: Ledermair wins race and P1

Ledermair wins race and P1 in Assen 2017 at race 1.

After a free practice session, which ended with an horrifying crash of OPEN class driver Klaas Zwart (Team Ascari) and a smooth Qualifying with Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) finishing as fastest driver of the FORMULA class, teams and spectators finally experienced quite a strange race at the end of the day at the „Gamma Racing Days“ in Assen.

Race started with quite a long safety car phase. Wolfgang Jordan (H&A Racing) collided and crashed on the start/finish straight just when the race was started. As a result drivers had to stay behind the safety car for the next four laps. When the track was released, Johann Ledermair had the lead, kept the lead and finished as overall leader of complete race (both classes) as well as P1 of the FORMULA class. The Austrian performed his best lap in 1:25,655 min. „I’m very satisfied with our performance this weekend so far“, Ledermair explained after the race. „We managed to solve a technical problem, which improved the performance of the car significantly. I had a good feeling and good performance already during Qualifying, so I’m happy, that I managed to repeat this performance at the race. I love racing in Assen, it is always a highlight of the race calendar. I look forward to the second race on Sunday and hope for for a good performance again.“

Ledermair was followed by Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport), who finished the race on P2 and raced his best lap in 1:28,825. The Indian was overtaken by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) directly after the start, but stepped back to position 2 of the grid in lap 5. „I’m fine with the result. Due to the long safety car phase in the beginning of the race, I wasn’t able to attack and push as I actually would have wanted to“, Raghunathan told us after the race.


Mahaveer Raghunathan before the start of race 1 in Assen 2017.

Mahaveer Raghunathan before the start of race 1 in Assen 2017.

First podium position this season claimed Marc Faggionato (Zig Zag), who finished the race on position 3. Not only at the FORMULA class, but in total as well. Faggionato performed his best lap in 1:31,966 min. He was followed by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), who was set back by a spun in lap 4 (from position 3 back to position 10). De Plano showed a great catch-up and finally finished on position 4, still managing to overtake OPEN class driver Wolfgang Jaksch during the last lap. So De Plano, current runner up of the overall FORMULA class ranking, missed his next podium of the season really close. The Italian performed his best lap in 1:30,761 – actually a top-3 time.

Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and ‚PETER‘ (Ray-Ban) followed on the next positions.


Results of race 1 at „Gamma Racing Days“ in Assen 2017:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Total time Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:25,655 8  21:18,537 10 128,25
2 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP 1:28,825 9 21:36,289 10 126,49
3 129 Marc Faggionato MC Zig Zag Dallara GP2 1:31,966 9 21:57,247 10 124,48
4 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:30,761 10 22:02,473 10 123,99
5 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:34,869 10 22:10,336 10 123,26
6 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:34,175 10 22:10,910 10 123,20
7 222 Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Dallara GP2 1:34,875 8 22:11,446 10 123,15
8 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:35,045 10 22:12,323 10 123,07
9 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Dallara World Series by Nissan 1:36,459 9 22:22,583 10 122,13
10 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:37,723 8 22:34,632 10 121,05
11 111 ‚PETER‘ FRA Ray-Ban Dallara World Series by Renault 1:36,068 7 21:39,869 9 133,53
12 105 Wolfgang Jordan GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 10:41,203 1  10:57,220 1 24,95


Since OPEN and FORMULA class have different classifications, but drive together in the same race, the whole start grid of 14 drivers will start at the same race on Sunday at race 2 again. It starts at 2:19 p.m (duration: 25 min).

This is the starting grid for race 2 at the “Gamma Racing Days”  in Assen 2017:

Start grid of race 2 in Assen 2017.

Start grid of race 2 in Assen 2017.


Picture gallery of Assen 2017:

OPEN class: Race 1 at „Gamma Racing Days“ in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Free practice at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen 2017:

Standings of season 2017:
