Schlagwort: Christian Eicke

Report: Free Practice Monza

Sergio Ghiotto, Dallara GP2

Friday in Monza: Getting used to the high-speed track in the Royal Park.

Speeds beyond 300 kph demand man and machine. It’s good that on Friday there were two 30-minute practice sessions for the BOSS GP drivers.

The fastest man in this high-speed challenge was Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). The reigning OPEN champion set his fastest time (1:29.929) in the second free practice session in the afternoon. With similar good conditions tomorrow another big improvement in lap time is possible for Gerstl in his Toro Rosso STR1.

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom) finished with the second-fastest time of the day in the Benetton B197, by far behind Gerstl but in front of the Formula 2 cars. He will probably be the only driver who can challenge Gerstl this weekend.

Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) was third fastest in both practice sessions. Last year’s winner at Monza is the hottest candidate for FORMULA victory.

Five other Italians managed to set a lap time of 1 minute 39 seconds: Luca Martucci (MM International), Sergio Ghiotto (Scuderia Palladio), Armando Mangini (MM International), Salvatore de Plano (Top Speed), Alessandro Bracalente (Speed Center) will also be playing a big role in tomorrow’s fight for pole position. Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) failed close to manage a 1:39 lap. In practice 2 Fiedler was involved in an incident with De Plano, Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) and Martucci, both Fiedler and Martucci had an early end to the session.

Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) set a great time in the first practice session. With a flattened rear wing and therefore little drag, he managed the second fastest time in sectors 1 and 3, beaten only by Ingo Gerstl’s Formula 1. However, Eicke had an accident only a little later at the end of the Ascari variant. But he will be able to participate again in the fight for pole position on Saturday.

16 starters will take part in qualifying tomorrow at 9:45 am. Today’s top 5 start in Q1 (8 minutes), the remaining drivers in Q2 (20 minutes). The fastest driver from the two combined sessions will be the first to start the 25-minute race at 16:00, the fifth in this BOSS GP anniversary season 2019.

Report: Freies Training Monza

Sergio Ghiotto, Dallara GP2

Der Freitag in Monza: Eingewöhnen an die Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahn im Königlichen Park.

Geschwindigkeiten jenseits der 300 km/h fordern Mensch und Maschine. Gut, dass es am Freitag zweimal 30 Minuten Training für die BOSS GP gab.

Schnellster Mann bei dieser High Speed Challenge war Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). Der amtierende OPEN-Champion setzte im Toro Rosso STR1 seine schnellste Zeit im zweiten Freien Training mit 1:29.929. Bei ähnlich guten Bedingungen ist morgen auf jeden Fall noch ein deutlicher Zeitensprung möglich.

Schon mit Abstand zu Gerstl, aber vor den Formel-2-Autos, platzierte sich Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom) im Benetton B197 mit der zweitschnellsten Zeit des Tages. Er wird wohl der einzige Fahrer sein, der Gerstl im Toro-Rosso-Formel-1 an diesem Wochenende fordern kann.

Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) war in beiden Trainings Drittschnellster. Der Sieger von Monza aus dem letzten Jahr ist damit der heißeste Kandidat für den Sieg in der FORMULA-Wertung.

Fünf weitere Italiener schafften es, eine Rundenzeit von 1:39 hinzulegen: Luca Martucci (MM International), Sergio Ghiotto (Scuderia Palladio), Armando Mangini (MM International), Salvatore de Plano (Top Speed), Alessandro Bracalente (Speed Center) sprechen morgen im Kampf um die Poleposition ebenso ein Wörtchen mit.

Knapp an der 1:40er-Marke scheiterte Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing). In Training 2 war Fiedler in einen Zwischenfall mit De Plano, Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center) und Martucci verwickelt, sowohl für Fiedler als auch Martucci war die Session danach frühzeitig beendet.

Eine Spitzenzeit setzte Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) im ersten Training. Mit flachgestelltem Heckflügel und damit wenig Luftwiderstand gelang ihm in den Sektoren 1 und 3 die jeweils Zweitschnellste Zeit, nur geschlagen vom Formel 1 von Ingo Gerstl. Allerdings verunfallte Eicke nur wenig später ausgangs der Variante Ascari. Im Qualifying morgen kann er aber wieder teilnehmen.

16 Starter werden morgen am Qualifying um 9:45 Uhr teilnehmen. Die Top-5 von heute starten in Q1 (8 Minuten Fahrzeit), die restlichen Fahrer in Q2 (20 Minuten Fahrzeit). Der schnellste Fahrer aus den zwei kombinierten Sessions startet dann um 16:00 Uhr als Erster ins 25-minütige Rennen, dem fünften in dieser BOSS GP-Jubiläumssaison.

Report: Rennen 2 Spielberg

Ingo Gerstl does donuts in his Toro Rosso STR1

Ein würdiges Finale für die schnellste Rennserie Europas: Im heute sonnigen Spielberg gewann Meister Ingo Gerstl auch das zweite Rennen und der wiedergenesene Salvatore De Plano die FORMULA-Wertung.

Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed, Toro Rosso STR1) dominierte das Rennen nicht wie gewohnt, sondern war lange Zeit im Tandemflug mit Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom, Benetton B197) unterwegs. Erst in Runde 11 zog Gerstl richtig an und baute seinen Vorsprung aus. Mit 1:13 min war er auch heute der mit Abstand schnellste Bolide auf der Rennstrecke. Phil Stratford beendete seine erste volle Saison zufrieden mit seinem zehnten Podestplatz, nur Gerstl war öfter am Podium gestanden. Hans Laub (DEU, Speed Center, Forti FG-03) wurde mit großem Abstand Dritter in der OPEN, beendete aber auch heute das Rennen – keine Selbstverständlichkeit bei den hochkomplexen Formel-1-Autos.

Salvatore De Plano wins the last FORMULA race of the season

Salvatore De Plano gewinnt das letzte FORMULA-Rennen der Saison


In der FORMULA endete für Salvatore De Plano (ITA, Top Speed, Dallara GP2) die Saison nach Maß. De Plano war als Meisterschaftsfavorit gehandelt worden, doch beim ersten Rennen in Hockenheim kollidierte er mit Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed, Dallara GP2) so unglücklich, dass sich De Plano am Rücken verletzte. Nach langer Abwesenheit gab De Plano erst in Brünn wieder sein Renncomeback. Dieses Mal musste er noch dazu auf sein gewohntes Auto bei MM International verzichten. Stattdessen startete De Plano beim österreichischen Team Top Speed. Gestern drehte er sich noch übermotiviert von der Strecke, heute gelang ihm das entscheidende Manöver schon in Kurve 1. Innen verteidigte er beim fliegenden Start erfolgreich gegen Marco Ghiotto (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2) und gab die Führung nicht mehr ab. Marco Ghiotto war im letztjährigen Meisterauto von Charles Leclerc unterwegs, konnte in der verbleibenden Renndauer aber nicht mehr Anschluss an De Plano halten. Er holte aber sicher Platz 2.

Gefährlich nahe kam Marco Ghiotto nur mehr einer, und zwar Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2). Martucci musste von ganz hinten losfahren, nachdem er für ein Vergehen beim gestrigen Start nach hinten versetzt wurde. Von dort aus führte der Weg schnurstracks in Richtung Podium. Obendrauf gab’s noch die schnellste Rennrunde. Drei Italiener standen somit auf dem Podest der FORMULA-Klasse!

Champion's signature from "the Boss" Ingo Gerstl

Ingo Gerstl musste an seinem Heimwochenende viele Autogramme geben


Der gestrige Überraschungssieger Alain Valente (SUI, Speed Center, Dallara GP2) war heute deutlich unauffälliger unterwegs als noch gestern. Dennoch bestätigte der 21-Jährige mit Rang 4 sein großes Talent. Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing, Dallara GP2) lag zeitweise auf Podestkurs, gegen Ende des Rennens musste der Vizemeister in der FORMULA aber langsamer machen. Auf Rang 5 brachte er das Auto noch ins Ziel.

Gianluca Ripoli (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2), Sergio Ghiotto (ITA, MM International, Dallara GP2), Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center, Dallara GP2) und Christian Eicke (DEU, Speed Center, Dallara GP2) lieferten sich das ganze Rennen über die interessantesten Fights und hatte augenscheinlich den meisten Spaß. In der Reihenfolge Ripoli, S. Ghiotto, Göllner und Eicke fuhren sie ins Ziel. Eicke fixierte mit Rang 9 auch Gesamtrang 3 in der FORMULA-Tabelle.

Heute nicht dabei war Florian Schnitzenbaumer. Schnitzenbaumer muss sich in einigen Tagen einer Schulter-OP unterziehen und verzichtete daher auf weitere Belastungen. Den Meistertitel fixierte Schnitzenbaumer bereits im gestrigen Rennen. Damit beenden mit Ingo Gerstl (OPEN) und Florian Schnitzenbaumer (FORMULA) zwei Fahrer des Teams Top Speed die BOSS GP 2018 auf den ersten Plätzen.


An all-Italian podium in FORMULA (f.l.): M. Ghiotto, De Plano and Martucci

Ein komplett italienisches Podium in der FORMULA (v.l.): M. Ghiotto, De Plano und Martucci


Stimmen nach dem Rennen:
Ingo Gerstl (1. Platz OPEN): „Dieses Rennen war wichtig, so muss das sein. Ein perfekter Abschluss für meine Saison und auch für die ganze Serie. Jetzt startet die BOSS GP erst richtig durch.“

Phil Stratford (2. Platz OPEN): „Ich hatte zu diesem Kampf leider nur ein Taschenmesser mitgebracht, Ingo einen Kampfjet.“

Salvatore De Plano (1. Platz FORMULA): „Ich bin total happy. Die erste Kurve gelang mir heute viel besser. Das war der richtige Abschluss meiner Saison nach dem Unfall in Hockenheim. Das hilft mir über den Winter und ist wichtig für den Kopf. Nächstes Jahr greife ich auf ein Neues an.“


Fotos: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Report: Qualifying Hockenheim F1

Ingo Gerstl lieferte ein fast perfektes Qualifying zum Höhepunkt des BOSS GP-Jahres. Bernd Herndlhofer startet beim Comeback als Bester der Klasse FORMULA.

Bei 20 Grad Außentemperatur und 25 Grad Streckentemperatur waren die Augen zunächst in Richtung Himmel gerichtet. Immer wieder begann es am Vormittag zu regnen, fürs Qualifying der BOSS GP blieb es allerdings zur Freude der meisten Fahrer trocken – die Pirelli-Regenreifen konnten damit auf den Radwägen bleiben.

Titelverteidiger Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) darf heute Abend das Feld beim fliegenden Start ins erste von zwei Rennen führen. Mit 1:20.939 min verfehlte er zwar die 1:20er-Marke, dennoch konnte den Toro Rosso STR 1 von Gerstl keiner von Platz 1 verdrängen. Phil Stratford (Penn Elcom Racing) geht von Startposition 2 aus ins Rennen. Stratford verbremste sich einmal in der Sachs-Kurve, daraufhin rollte der Benetton durchs Kies. Er schaffte aber aus eigener Kraft den Weg zurück auf das Asphaltband.

Der gestern kurzfristig eingesprungene Johann Ledermair verzichtet nach Klassenrang 1 im Freien Training gestern auf einen Start heute. Stammfahrer Thomas Jakoubek wird dafür am Nachmittag für Top Speed starten. Bernd Herndlhofer (Top Speed) hatte damit einen Gegner weniger, mit 1:29.382 war er Klassenschnellster GP2-Fahrer.

Am nächsten kam dem Österreicher der Monza-Sieger Armando Mangini. Der Italiener war in Q2 am Start, und hatte damit mehr Zeit zur Verfügung, die der alte Fuchs auch bis zur letzten Sekunde nützte. Der erfahrene Pilot und Teambesitzer steigerte sich stetig, und setzte am Ende der 18 Minuten mit 1:30.0 die Zweitschnellste Zeit in der Wertung FORMULA, er geht in Startreihe zwei ins 20-minütige Rennen um 18:00 Uhr.

Stetig gesteigert hat sich Luca Martucci (MM International), der Teamkollege Mangini auf seinen schnellsten Runden um die Strecke folgte. Er startet von Startplatz 5, und damit gemeinsam mit der schnellsten Dame Bianca Steiner aus Startreihe 3. Steiner konnte sich ebenfalls von mittleren 1:30er-Runden auf 1:30.783 steigern, damit lag sie am Ende nur 6 Hundertstel hinter Martucci. Alle Fahrer im längeren Q2 profitierten von einer unterbrechungsfreien Session.

Auch Roy Glaser (Speed Center) im schwarz-neongelben Auto war zügig unterwegs, mit Rang 7 ist der Schweizer Speed-Center-Pilot sicher zufrieden. Im Rennen könnte der Schweizer das Podium anvisieren.

Wolfgang Jaksch (F Xtreme Racing) durfte zwar aufgrund des Rückzugs von Ledermair in Q1 antreten, mit Rang 8 steht er aber sich nicht dort, wo der Deutsche stehen könnte. Sicher unangenehm war für Jaksch, dass sich während der Fahrt sein Funkkabel vom Helm löste. Auch Lebensgefährtin Veronika Cichá war erbost: Die Tschechin verlor in ihrer Outlap eine Radnabe und musste aufgeben.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) wird garantiert auch nicht zufrieden sein: Der Tabellenführer in der FORMULA startet nur von Gesamtrang 11. Die wenigen Runden in Q1 konnte er nicht so nutzen, wie er sich das vorgestellt hatte.

Christian Eicke und Peter Göllner (beide Speed Center) stellten ihre Autos in die Top-10, was durchaus als Überraschung zu bezeichnen ist.

Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) und Gianluca Ripoli (MM International) legten fast gleichzeitig eine Pirouette in der Spitzkehre hin, beide konnten aber sofort wieder weiterfahren. Becker war lange Zeit mit seinem Unfallgegner von gestern Walter Steding im Parallelflug auf Zeitenjagd – Becker wurde hinter Wolfgang Jordan 13., Steding 15.

Rennen 1 von 2 an diesem vierten Rennwochenende des BOSS GP-Jahres startet um 18:00 Uhr.


Foto: Daniel Glaser

FORMULA class: Clear win for Ledermair, strong catch-up by De Plano in season race 12

Runner up at season race 12 in Brno 2017: Salvatore De Plano.

Driving in a kind of his own class, Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) showed a great performance and victory at season race 12 on Sunday at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno. But also Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) showed a great race, catching up P2 at the final stage of the race. But not only in front of the race the spectators at the Brno Circuit saw great performances. Also the further start grid showed exciting battles with only very narrow gaps. 

Johann Ledermair lead the FORMULA field of the start grid with a significant gap in front of his chasers, i.e. 17,650 sec in front of second ranked Salvatore De Plano at the finish line. „The start went very well, as well as the following laps“, Ledermair summed up the race. „We found the best set up for the car for the track in Brno, so the car ran great. I’m really happy with the performance, it was a fast race for me today“, the Austrian explained after the podium ceremony, being satisfied with the race weekend at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ and his P1 in season race 11 on Saturday as in season race 12 on Sunday. Ledermair crossed the finish line with a total time of 25:51,879 min, driving his fastest lap in 1:44,940. The Austrian improved his lap record from Saturday’s race significantly (1:45,709).


De Plano on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.

De Plano on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.


Ledermair was followed by runner up Salvatore De Plano, who had started from position 6 of the start grid and gained a couple of positions during the race. In lap 11 De Plano attacked Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) and Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) and stepped up to position 2 of the FORMULA class, position 3 of the total start grid and finished the race with a total time of 26:09,529. The Italian drove his fastest lap in lap 2 with 1:47,467. And he was really happy with his race: „It was exciting. Attacking shortly before the finish was not that easy, but it worked out and I could gain two positions. So I’m very happy with the result and finishing on P2“, De Plano was very satisfied.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer completed the podium, due to a 30 second penalty for Mahaveer Raghunathan for not respecting the track limits. The German had shown a strong performance, racing in a close group with Raghunathan and De Plano during the whole race. After the penalty the Indian finally was ranked on position 10 of the FORMULA grid, while Schnitzenbaumer stepped on for one position, crossing the finishing line with a total time of 26:11,634.


Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.


The following start grid showed exciting battles as well. With just close gaps between each other, Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing).

Very unlucky after the race was Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing Team), who dropped out of the race already during the second lap, due to technical problems. Henk De Boer (De Boer Manx) didn’t participate in Sunday’s race because having technical issues as well.

Complete result of race 2 at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno 2017:

Result of race 2 at Brno 2017.

Result of race 2 at Brno 2017.


With this race result, Ledermair is back on top of the FORMULA class ranking in total (247 points in total), followed by De Plano (243) and Raghunathan (241). The top trios distances the following drivers with a significant gap: Fourth ranked Armando Mangini has a total of 103 points, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (5.) has now 110 points.


Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Race 1 in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Ledermair with 8th win of the season

Podium race 1 in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Well, it was an interesting race for the BOSS GP crews at the heart of Czechian motorsport in Brno on saturday afternoon. Seven out of 12 drivers finished the race properly. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) made it to the top of the podium, followed by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport). 

Already before the start, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) dropped out of the grid during the warm up lap due to technical issues. So finally a start grid of 14 drivers in total, eleven FORMULA cars, went on the track.

„It was a good start. I managed to stay close to the OPEN class cars, that worked out well“, race winner Johann Ledermair summed up. It was an impressive start for runner up Salvatore De Plano as well, who overtook a couple of cars and made it to position 4 of the total grid (incl. OPEN class) during the first two laps, what means position 2 of the FORMULA grid.

After a spun off the track by Peter Göllner (Speed Center) in lap 6, the safety car had to turn on the track and slowed the grid down for two laps. „That phase seemed a bit like loosing the thread of the race, taking the tension of the race“, Ledermair explained after the race. Goal of the young Austrian was, to attack the OPEN class cars in front of him. But due to another yellow flag phase after a further spin off the track by Göllner his plan didn’t work out as planned, Ledermair admitted. So at the end the Austrian crossed the finishing line on position 3 after 20:59,913 min of the overall grid and as first FORMULA driver of the grid, what meant P1 of his class. At the same time P3 of the overall start grid by Ledermair meant completion of „Austrian festival“ in Brno, since the three top positions all were held by Austrian drivers (P1: Ingo Gerstl, P2: Bernd Herndlhofer (both OPEN class)). Ledermair performed his bis lap with 1:45,709 (lap 2).

The Austrian was satisfied with the result of the race: „It was a clear win of the FORMULA class for me, so me and my team are happy with that.“ Looking ahead, Ledermair is thinking about the setup of his Dallara GP2: „We continuously work on the setup of the car since the first race of the season. Working with new tyres is a totally new experience for us, so we have to test and improve a lot of things each race. During today’s race we learned some new issues again, so we are not satisfied with the setup by 100% by now and will work on the setup until tomorrow’s race again“, Ledermair gave an insight for the rest of the day of Team Ledermair.

Meanwhile Salvatore De Plano gave a wide smile after crossing the finish line on P2 of the FORMULA class with a total time of 21:15,262 (best lap: 1:48,308 in lap 3). „Fantastico, fantastico!“, the Italian cheered. As a matter of fact the driver of team MM International Intersport made a huge jump from start position 8 to position 4 at the end of the race. Struggling with some issues De Plano wasn’t really happy with the performance of the Qualifying, but explained: „I don’t know exactly, what the problem was. The car was perfect, but I don’t know why – the car was suddenly slowly at the middle of the corner.“ Things worked out much better at the race, so De Plano was happy with the performance during the race. „Thanks to my team, we did a great job“, he said after the race, looking forward to Sunday’s race in Brno. „I will push immediately from the start“, is the plan of the overall ranked third of the FORMULA class. „I’m looking forward for a strong competition again, that’s always much more fun to race. So it will be great with Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track again“, De Plano explained.

The Top trio of the FORMULA class was completed by young Indian Mahaveer Raghunathan on P3, who crossed the finish line after 21:16,339 (best lap: 1:49,025 in lap 1).


Race 1 in Brno 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (r.) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (l.) on track during race 1 in Brno 2017.


Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsports, 21:18,737), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition, 21:32,689), Christian Eicke (Speed Center, 21:33,327) and Henk De Boer (De Boer Manx, 22:04,282) followed on positions 4 to 7 of season race 11.

In total five cars dropped out of grid and race. Besides Schnitzenbaumer Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) returned to the box in lap 5 due to technical issues. Technical issues as well stopped local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing) one lap later. Peter Göllner and Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing) dropped out due to technical issues in lap 7. Since BOSS GP rules require a completion of 75% of the laps of the race winner, none of the dropped out drivers drove the necessary eight laps for classification. Nevertheless drivers look forward to Sunday’s race (start: 12:10 p.m.), to hunt for championship points again.

The overall results of race 1 of FORMULA class at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Total time Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 20:59,913 1:45,709 2 11 184,003
2  999 Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:15,262 1:48,308 3 15,349 11 179,588
3 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 21:16,339 1:49,025 1 16,426 11 178,407
4  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:18,737 1:50,404 9 18,824 11 176,178
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 21:32,689 1:53,087 10 32,776 11 171,999
6 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:33,327 1:53,325 10 33,414 11 171,637
7 136 Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 22:04,282 1:53,155 1 1:04,369 11 171,895
8 321 Andreas Fiedler GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 13:53,190 1:49,748 3 4 177,231
9 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:05,640 1:51,976 2 4 173,705
10 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 12:29,943 1:56,092 2 5 167,546
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 9:53,378 1:52,501 3 6 172,894
12 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2


Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


So in total it’s the trio of Raghunathan (233 points in total), Ledermair (222) and De Plano (221), who lead the FORMULA field of the BOSS GP after season race 11. It can be assumed, that Ledermair will show strong attack on season race 12 this Sunday, to fight back for the Top 1 position of his class in total.


Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Ledermair is fastest at Qualifying

Johann Ledermair during Qualifying in Brno 2017.

A start grid of twelve drivers is racing the FORMULA class at the “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno (CZ) for season races 11 and 12. Almost all of the “usual suspects” are ranked on the top positions of the FORMULA grid after Qualifying.

Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), currently on position 3 of Championship ranking is obviously aiming for getting back to the top position of his class. At Qualifying in Brno he performed the fastest lap of the FORMULA drivers with 1:42,540 min instantly in first lap with his Dallara GP2, significantly improving his best lap time from the free practice session (1:47,561).

Ledermair was followed by Mahaveer Raghunathan (MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2), who performed his best lap in lap 2 with 1:44,829 (gap: 2,289 sec). A real close gap of only 0,56 sec behind Raghunathan, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) was finishing his best lap at in 1:45,388 with his Dallara GP2..

So it’s the trio of Ledermair, Raghunathan and Schnitzenbaumer, who lead the FORMULA field of the BOSS GP after Qualifying and will start from positions 3, 5 and 6 of the overall start grid. Surprisingly Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), who showed strong and increasing performances during the last races and always taking a spot at the Top 3 trio, finished Qualifying this time on position five (1:46,502), with teammate Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport) in front of him ranked fourth of the FORMULA class at Qualifying with his best lap in 1:45,743.


Qualifying in Brno 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (l.) and Andreas Fiedler (r.) during Qualifying in Brno 2017.


On next positions followed Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Christian Eicke (Speed Center), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) and Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing).

It was Göllner, who caused two red flag phases during Qualifying, when he spun off the track twice. Nevertheless the Swiss managed to bring home a good personal lap record, which finally brought him position 11 on the start grid for the race on afternoon (start: 3:00 p.m.).

The overall results of Qualifying of FORMULA class at “Masaryk Racing Days”:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2  1:42,540 1 4 189,690
2 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,829 2 2,289 4 185,548
3 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,388 3 2,848 4 184,564
4  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:45,743 6 3,203 6 183,944
5  999 Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:46,502 3 3,962 7 182,633
6 136 Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 1:48,187 3 5,647 4 179,789
7 321 Andreas Fiedler GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 1:48,627 1 6,087 7 179,060
8 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:48,954 2 6,414 6 178,523
9 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:49,237 1 6,697 2 178,061
10 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:49,748 6 7,208 8 177,231
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 1:51,401 1 8,861 2 174,602
12 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 1:52,067 3 9,527 4 173,564


Since OPEN and FORMULA class have different classifications, but drive together at the race, the whole start grid of 15 drivers will start into the race on afternoon. Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed, OPEN class) once more this season owns the pole position. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) as fastest FORMULA driver will start from position 3, still in front of OPEN class driver Bernd Herndlhofer (H&A Racing Team) on position 4.


Result Qualifying Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Result Qualifying Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


This is the complete start grid for race 1 at the “Masaryk Racing Days”  in Brno 2017:

Start grid race 1 in Brno 2017.

Start grid race 1 in Brno 2017.



Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Qualifying in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Early finish for Ledermair and Fiedler, De Plano showing speed at second free practice

Second free practice in Brno 2017.

After a smooth first free practice in the morning the second free practice session went quite well again. With the exception of Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), who spun off the track after a couple of laps, all drivers drove some nice laps.

Both BOSS GP classes – OPEN and FORMULA class – went on track together for the second practice session as well. As in first free practice, Austrian Johann Ledermair was the first driver on track. All 12 FORMULA drivers followed the Austrian on track. Weather conditions in Brno were continously great: 22°, sunny and dry.

A couple of laps was done, when a the red flag slowed drivers down. It was an early finish of the practice session for Johann Ledermair , who had spun off the track with his Dallara GP2. Also Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing) had to finish the practice early after turning on the track with his Dallara GP2.

Andreas Fiedler on track in Brno 2017.

Andreas Fiedler on track in Brno 2017.

After drivers went back on track, the further practice run smoothly and without any further crashes. Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) confirmed his great shape once more and performed the fastest lap of the FORMULA grid with 1:46,941 min in his Lola Auto GP. Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) showed a strong performance with his Dallara GP2 as well, with his fastest lap in 1:48,102. Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport) followed with a 1:48,193, having a more than close gap to his teammate De Plano of of only 0,092 seconds.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed, 1:50,248), Andreas Fiedler (Fiedler Racing, 1:51,817), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport, 1:52,858), Peter Göllner (H&A Racing, 1:52,864), Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx, 1:54,313), Christian Eicke (Speed Center, 1:54,441), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition, 1:54,909) and Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team, 1:56,606) completed the grid.

Mahaveer Raghunathan on track in Brno 2017 during second free practice.

Mahaveer Raghunathan on track in Brno 2017 during second free practice.

Results of second free practice of FORMULA class at „Masaryk Racing Days“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:46,941 2 8 181,883
2  999  Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport  Dallara GP2 1:48,102 1 1,161 10 179,930
 3  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:48,193 4 1,252 5 179,779
4 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:50,248 3 3,307 5 176,428
5 321 Andreas Fiedler GER Fiedler Racing Dallara GP2 1:51,817 1 4,876 1 173,952
 6 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 1:52,858 5 5,917 6 172,348
 7 101  Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:52,858 5 5,923 6 172,338
8 136  Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 1:54,313 9 7,372  11 170,154
9 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:54,441 6 7,500 10 169,964
10 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:54,909 10 7,968 11 169,271
11 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 1:56,606 7 9,665 8 169,271
12 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2



Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Results second free practice in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results second free practice in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Follow us on our Social Media Channels for more information and live coverage:


FORMULA class: Raghunathan shows fastest lap during first free practice

Mahaveer Raghunathan raced fastest lap time during first free practice of the race weekend in Brno 2017.

12 drivers had registered for the BOSS GP FORMULA class at the “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno (CZ). Season races 10 and 11 will take place at the circuit in the southeast of Czechia. The first free practice was scheduled on Friday morning (7th of September) at 11:00 a.m. It was a smooth practice session under best conditions.

Both BOSS GP classes – OPEN and FORMULA class – went on track together for the practice session. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) went on track first. With the exception of Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), due to technical issues, all other FORMULA drivers followed the Austrian on track. Weather conditions in Brno are great: 17°, sunny and dry.

One red flag phase slowed drivers down after a couple of legs, when local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) spun off the track with her Dallara GP2. But finally drivers tested the circuit with Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) finally racing the fastest lap of the FORMULA grid on the 5.403 km long track with an 1:44,907 min with his Lola Auto GP.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Raghunathan, staying seven laps on track, was followed by Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) with a best lap time in 1:45,855 min. The German is back on track after not racing the races in Zolder (July) and Assen (August) and was showing a good performance during his nine laps on track during first free practice in Brno. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) completed the trio of the fastest FORMULA drivers at the practice session with a best lap time of 1:47,561.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Andreas Fiedler (Fiedler Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) completed the grid with their best lap times. Since time transponders of currently overall ranked second of the FORMULA class, Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), as well as Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), ranked fourth at the overall standings, didn’t work properly, results are not completed.

It can be assumed, that Walter Steding, not taking part in the first free practice session, will be on track for the second free practice, which starts at 4:00 p.m. and will run 25 minutes.

Results of first free practice of FORMULA class at „Masaryk Racing Days“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,907 5 7 185,410
2 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,855 5 0,948 9 183,749
3 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:47,561 3 2,654 3 180,835
4 321 Andreas Fiedler GER Fiedler Racing Dallara GP2 1:49,586 1 4,679 3 177,493
 5 101  Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:50,574 6  5,667 8 175,908
 6 136  Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  1:52,078  1  7,171  3  173,547
 7 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan  1:52,299 8  7,392 8  173,205
 8 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:53,457 6  8,550 8 171,438
 9 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 2:03,657 2  18,750 2 157,296
 10  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2
 11  999  Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport  Dallara GP2



Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

OPEN class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

OPEN class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


FORMULA Class: Raghunathan rast im ersten freien Training von Brno allen davon

Mahaveer Raghunathan raced fastest lap time during first free practice of the race weekend in Brno 2017.

Zwölf Fahrer hatten sich für die BOSS GP FORMULA class bei den „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno (CZ) gemeldet. Die Saisonrennen 11 und 12 werden am zweiten Septemberwochenende auf der Strecke im Südosten Tschechiens ausgetragen. Das erste freie Training stand am Freitag (7. September) um 11:00 Uhr an. Es war im Großen und Ganzen eine reibungsfreie Trainingssession bei besten Bedingungen.

Beide BOSS GP Klassen – OPEN und FORMULA Class – starteten parallel ins freie Training. Nur zwei OPEN Class Fahrer nutzten die Gelegenheit, die Strecke auszutesten. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) verließ die Box als Erster. Mit Ausnahme von Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition) aufgrund technischer Probleme folgten alle anderen FORMULA Fahrer dem Österreicher auf die Strecke. Brno hielt für Fahrer und Teams beste Bedingungen bereit: trockene 17° Grad und Sonne.

Eine rote Flaggen-Phase bremste die Fahrer nach den ersten zwei Runden aus, nachdem Lokalmatadorin Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) mit ihrem Dallara GP2 von der Strecke gedreht war und diese kurzzeitig gesperrt werden musste. Anschließend testeten die Fahrer den Parcours jedoch ausgiebig, wobei am Ende der Session Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) die schnellste Runde des FORMULA Starterfeldes auf der 5.403 km langen Strecke mit 1:44,907 min in seinem Lola Auto GP fuhr.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer back on track in Brno 2017.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer ist in Brno 2017 zurück auf der Strecke.

Auf Raghunathan, der während der Trainingseinheit insgesamt sieben Runden abspulte, folgte Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) mit einer Bestzeit von 1:45,855. Der Deutsch meldete sich damit stark im Starterfeld der BOSS GP zurück, nachdem er während der vergangenen Rennen in Zolder (July) und Assen (August) pausiert hatte. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) komplettierte das schnellste Trio der FORMULA Class mit einer Bestrundenzeit von 1:47,561.

Johann Ledermair finished first free practice as third fastest driver in Brno 2017.

Johann Ledermair beendete das erste freie Training in Brno 2017 als Drittschnellster.

Andreas Fiedler (Fiedler Racing), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Henk de Boer (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) und Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing Team) komplettierten das Starterfeld. Da die Zeitransponder von, Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport), aktuell Zweitplatzierter der FORMULA Class, sowie von Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), aktuell Vierter im Gesamtranking, nicht einwandfrei funktionierten, ist das Endresultat des freien Trainings nicht gänzlich vollständig.

Es ist anzunehmen, dass Walter Steding, der beim ersten freien Training nur Zuschauen konnte, am Nachmittag für die zweite Trainingseinheit, die um 16:00 Uhr startet (25 min) auf die Strecke gehen wird.

Ergebnisse des ersten freien Trainings der FORMULA Class bei den „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno 2017:

Position Nr. Name Nat. Team Auto Schnellste Runde  (min) In Abstand  (s) Runden km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:44,907 5 7 185,410
2 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:45,855 5 0,948 9 183,749
3 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:47,561 3 2,654 3 180,835
4 321 Andreas Fiedler GER Fiedler Racing Dallara GP2 1:49,586 1 4,679 3 177,493
 5 101  Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:50,574 6  5,667 8 175,908
 6 136  Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  1:52,078  1  7,171  3  173,547
 7 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan  1:52,299 8  7,392 8  173,205
 8 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 1:53,457 6  8,550 8 171,438
 9 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 2:03,657 2  18,750 2 157,296
 10  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2
 11  999  Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport  Dallara GP2



Bildergalerie Brno 2017:

Zeitplan Brno 2017:

OPEN Class: Erstes freies Training Brno 2017:

FORMULA Class: Startliste “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Saison 2017:

Results first free practice Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Ergebnisse des ersten freien Trainings in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.
