Schlagwort: Walter Steding

Report: Brünn Rennen 1

Jackermeier feiert bei trickreichen Bedingungen souverän seinen Premierensieg, Colombo verwandelt „Pole“ in der FORMULA-Klasse zum Sieg, SUPER LIGHTS-Triumph für Geier

Der Wettergott hatten mit den Piloten der BOSS GP Racing Series kein Einsehen. Wenige Minuten vor dem Start des ersten Rennens öffnete der Himmel seine Schleusen. Das Rennen auf der teils nassen Fahrbahn wurde so zur Herausforderung für die Piloten in ihren Big Open Single Seaters.

BOSS GP F1 Class

Polesetter Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) stand in der Klasse der Formel-1-Wagen ebenso wie sein Teamkollege Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) wegen des Regenschauers vor Rennbeginn vor einer schwierigen Entscheidung: Trockenreifen drauf behalten oder die Pirelli Cinturato-Profilreifen aufziehen? Teile der Strecke waren feucht, andere wiederum trocken. Jackermeier und Gerstl entschieden sich beide für die Trockenreifen auf ihren Boliden. Jackermeier mit seinem Toro Rosso STR3 mit Ferrari-V8 nutzte die Poleposition ideal und startete furios ins Rennen. Ingo Gerstl kam nach der Aufwärmrunde in die Box und musste seinen Toro Rosso STR1 vorübergehend parken. Wenige Minuten vor dem Ende des Rennens fuhr Gerstl wieder auf die Strecke, kehrte aber prompt wieder in die Box zurück. Jackermeier verwaltete den Vorsprung ideal, machte keine Fehler bei den tückischen Bedingungen und feierte seinen ersten Sieg im Rahmen der BOSS GP. 

Ingo Gerstl (li.) musste sich diesmal mit Platz 2 hinter Premieren-Sieger Thomas Jackermeier (re.) begnügen


Alle Starter der FORMULA-Klasse entschieden sich beim Start des Rennens für die Pirelli P Zero Trockenreifen. Das Fahrgeschick der Lenkrad-Akrobaten wurde damit noch einmal mehr auf die Probe gestellt. Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) setzte die erste Startposition ideal um und konnte sich bei den abtrocknenden Bedingungen zunächst absetzen. Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) hielt sich bei den zunächst feuchten Bedingungen noch zurück. Nach und nach legte sich der erfahrene Italiener aber Gegner für Gegner zurecht und arbeitete sich bis auf Platz 2 vor. In den Schlussminuten folgte ein spannendes Duell zwischen Colombo und Ghiotto um den Sieg, Colombo konnte den Sieg aber über die Ziellinie retten. Francesco Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) fuhr lange Zeit auf Platz 2, musste nach harten Kampf auf der Start-Ziel-Geraden aber seinen Teamchef und -kollegen Ghiotto passieren lassen. Salvatore de Plano (ITA, MM International) und Walter Steding (GER, Scuderia Palladio) rundeten die Top-5 dieses spektakulären Rennes der FORMULA-Klasse ab. Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing), im Qualifying noch im Vorderfeld klassiert, kam knapp vor Ende des Rennens an die Box und musste seinen GP2-Boliden vorzeitig abstellen.

Enges Finish zwischen Colombo (v.) und Ghiotto


In der SUPER LIGHTS-Kategorie der 6-Zylinder-Autos konnte sich Alexander Geier (AUT, Geier Racing) den nächsten Sieg vor Andreas Hasler (AUT, Hasler Motorsport) sichern. Geier, auf Slicks ins Rennen gegangen, übernahm kurz nach dem Start die Führung von Hasler und kontrollierte schließlich das Tempo an der Spitze. Im Schlussspurt versuchte Hasler noch einmal den Rückstand auf Geier zu verkürzen. Letztlich vergebens, Hasler fuhr bei abtrocknenden Bedingungen einen sicheren zweiten Platz nach Hause.

Geier schlug sich bei schwierigen Verhältnissen ausgezeichnet

Nach dem Spektakel am heutigen Tag dürfen sich die Fans am Sonntag auf Teil 2 der Rennaction freuen. Das zweite und finale Rennen der BOSS GP in Brünn geht morgen ab 12:50 Uhr Ortstzeit (Livestream) über die Bühne.

Fotos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Report: 2. Rennen Hockenheim

Man of the Race: Andreas Fiedler

Bei knapp 30 Grad Celsius gab’s heiße Duelle am Hockenheimring: Gerstl gewinnt souverän die OPEN-Klasse, Schnitzenbaumer in der FORMEL.

Die Chronologie des Rennens:

Vorstart: 13 Fahrer und zwei Fahrerinnen gingen ins zweite Rennen des Wochenendes, das sowohl den Fahrern als auch den Pirelli-Reifen alles abverlangte. Der Österreicher Thomas Jakoubek (Top Speed) verzichtete wie schon gestern auf einen Start. Salvatore de Plano musste nach seinem Crash gestern über Nacht noch im Krankenhaus bleiben. Der Italiener hatte sich am Rücken verletzt, ist aber auf dem Weg der Besserung. Bernd Herndlhofer (H&A) und Wolfgang Jaksch (F Xtreme Racing Team) waren schon vor dem Qualifying ausgeschieden, daher blieben nur zwei Starter in der stärksten Klasse übrig.

Start: Vom Start weg gab Ingo Gerstl das Tempo vor. 1:25.5 min zu Beginn des Rennens zeigte, für Phil Stratford im Benetton ist hier nichts zu holen. Gerstl sagte nach dem Rennen: „Ich wollte am Anfang zeigen, was geht.“ Im Sechs-Sekunden-Bereich blieben die beiden das ganze Rennen über, am Ende ging Gerstl mit drei Sekunden Vorsprung über die Ziellinie. Stratford war froh über Gerstls Tempo: „Ich freue mich, dass ich hinterherkomme und die Luftverwirbelungen, die Aerodynamik spüre, wenn ich so dicht an Ingos Toro Rosso heranfahren kann.“

Runde 1: John Reaks musste beim Anbremsen über die Wiese, der Brite konnte aber weiterfahren – vier Runden Rückstand reißt der World-Series-Fahrer am Ende auf.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed), gestern Sieger der FORMULA, hatte heute deutlich weniger zu schwitzen. Sein ebenbürtiger Gegner de Plano fehlte, daher bestimmte der Deutsche das Tempo in der kleineren Klasse. Armando Mangini konnte die Pace zeitweise mitgehen, 1:21er-Zeiten fahren – die Konstanz des Deutschen hatte der Italiener nicht, auch wenn Schnitzenbaumers Schulter schmerzte: „Eine Operation machte sich zu Mitte des Rennens bemerkbar.“

Manfred Loach wollte heute durchkommen, nachdem er gestern wegen erhöhter Öltemperatur frühzeitig ausschied. Nach einem schlechten Start kämpfte sich der Österreicher Platz für Platz nach vor.

Runde 2: „Piter“ im weißen Dallara aus der World Series hatte mit denselben Schwierigkeiten wie gestern zu kämpfen. Zweimal blieb er nach der langsamsten Stelle des Kurses, beim Rausbeschleunigen aus der Spitzkehre, stehen – zweimal konnte er weiterfahren. Nach vier Runden beendete er aber sein Rennen.

Mann des Rennens war der Deutsche Andreas Fiedler im GP2. Von Rang 10 gestartet, war er in der zehnten Runde an der bis dahin drittenplatzierten FORMULA-Fahrerin, Bianca Steiner, vorbeigegangen, die wie schon gestern auf Podestkurs lag. Ein Eigenfehler führte im ersten Rennen zu einem Dreher, heute kam sie fehlerfrei durch und auf Rang 4 in der FORMULA. „Wir hatten zu viel Luftdruck. Ende des Rennens kam ich wieder ran, da hatte Andreas Probleme. Eine Runde hätte ich noch gebraucht.“ Fiedler erreichte so sein erstes Podest. Der Deutsche im GP2 wurde hinter Schnitzenbaumer und Mangini Dritter FORMULA-Fahrer.

Runde 6: Veronika Cicha blieb im vierten Gang hängen, auf der Anfahrt zur Haarnadel mit knapp 200. Die Tschechin konnte noch abbremsen und einen schweren Unfall verhindern. Mit der Fahrzeugnase touchierte sie die Reifenstapel, blieb aber unverletzt.

Runde 7: Nur wenig später stellte Peter Göllner sein Auto in Kurve 2-3 ab. Die Streckenposten arbeiteten zügig, so konnte das Safety-Car heute in der Box bleiben.

Letzte Runde: Loach setzt im Fight um Rang 8 zum Angriff auf Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition) und dreht sich. Der letzte Ausfall des Rennens. Karl-Heinz Becker wird Siebenter, der knapp 75-Jährige holte damit ein sensationelles Ergebnis.

Das Endergebnis lautet wie folgt:


  1. Gerstl
  2. Stratford


  1. Schnitzenbaumer
  2. Mangini
  3. Fiedler
  4. Steiner
  5. Becker
  6. Steding
  7. Eicke
  8. Kindler
  9. Loach
  10. Reaks

FORMULA class: Golden weekend for Raghunathan

Mahaveer Raghunathan - double-winner of the weekend and winner of the FORMULA class Championship 2017.

It was a golden weekend for Indian driver Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport), who didn’t just win the race on Saturday in Imola, but also claimed the victory of the very last race of the season in Imola on Sunday again. With this result, Raghunathan not only won both races, but also the Championship 2017 of the BOSS GP FORMULA class.

As already reported, former leader of the FORMULA class, Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), had to cancel his participation of the two last season races due to technical problems on early Saturday morning, as well as PETER, who stepped back from both races as well due to technical issues. So a thrilling battle was left between local hero Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Raghunathan for the overall victory of this years Championship.

After winning season race 13 on Saturday in Imola, Raghunathan started the race on Sunday highly motivated again. Weather conditions in Imola had turned over completely during the night. So rainy, wet weather awaited the grid on the track. After two safety car laps the grid finally started into the race and was – despite the rain – on fire.

It was indeed not a good weekend for Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport). The Italian, as well as Raghunathan, had good chances, to win the Championshiop after Ledermairs cancellation of the weekend. But De Plano dropped out of the track in the beginning of fourth lap, which meant – all Championship chances were gone for him. So it was Raghunathans – holding position 2 of the overall grid – turn, to bring this race home safely.


Team "PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport" celebrating the Championship of Mahaveer Raghunathan.

Team „PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport“ celebrating the Championship of Mahaveer Raghunathan.


Due to ongoing rain, conditions for all drivers were challenging. „I liked the rain and the wet track“, Raghunathan indeed explained after the race. „I love driving during such weather conditions.“ The Indian, well known as a good rain-driver, showed a souvereign performance and finally finished on first position of the FORMULA class. „I am really happy with that win and todays race. It was a lot of fun, and I’m absolutely happy, that I could make it P1 and finally the Championship as well. This is amazing. I want to give a huge thank you to my team at PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport, who did a great job“, Raghunathan said after the podium ceremony.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed), having had some trouble at Saturday’s race, showed a great performance in Sunday’s race and secured P2. „I’m not really satisfied with my lap times today“, the German wasn’t totally happy despite his podium position. „It was not a good racing year for me at all. But I tick it off, next year will be better“, Schnitzenbaumer said.


Martin Kindler racing to P3 in Imola 2017.

Martin Kindler racing to P3 in Imola 2017.


For the first time this season, Martin Kindler (Jenzer Motorsport) raced onto the podium with P3, despite a significant gap to Raghunathan and Schnitzenbaumer. „We got along with the rainy weather conditions very well. It was a great race and driving to P3 with this car compared to the other cars of the grid is just amazing. I’m really happy with this result“, Kindler told us after the podium ceremony. „I wonder, what it could have turned out, if I wouldn’t have rotated on the track twice.“

Veteran Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), René Kouwenberg (De Boer Manx) and Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) completed the grid.

Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), who seemed to race for his first season spot on the podium (P3) for a long time finally was disqualified for rule violation (passing through the pit lane) and turned into the box after nine laps, actually owning the P3 spot at this time of the race.


Final of the season 2017.

Final of the season 2017.


So in the end it is Mahaveer Raghunathan, who is the new Champion 2017 of the BOSS GP FORMULA class. The young Indian, who finished 2016 season on fifth place with a total of 118 points, performed a constant season 2017. 16 points separate Raghunathan from runner up Johann Ledermair, who finishes the season on second position. The gap to third ranked Salvatore De Plano is little: Ledermair leads over the Italian only by four points. Find the full standings of the whole grid on our ranking table.

Results of race 2, seasonrace 14, of FORMULA class at „Peroni Race Weekend“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Time Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 27:13,847 1:50,481 4 13 253,3
2 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 26:11,863 1:54,942 6 1 lap 12  247,0
3 430 Martin Kindler SUI Jenzer Motorsport Nissan World Series  26:29,257 1:54,636 10 1 lap 12 251,0
4 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 26:43,699 1:54,846 12 1 lap 12 255,7
5 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Super Nissan World Series 27:12,990 1:59,503 12 1 lap 12 247,6
6  139 René Kouwenberg NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 26:03,186 1:59,944 10 1 lap 11 209,2
7 116 Nicolas Matile SUI PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP 26:34,226 2:08,699 11 2 laps 11 207,2
Not classified 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2  08:29,172 1:58,373 3 10 laps 3 230,7
Disqualified 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2  20:25,959 1:56,462 4 4 laps 9 258,8


Picture gallery of Imola 2017:

Schedule Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: First race Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list Imola 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: Raghunathan catches win in the last lap

Podium ceremony of seasonrace 13 in Imola 2017.

What an exciting race at the „Peroni Race Weekend“ in Imola. After the exit of Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) before Qualifying, an exciting duel on top of the FORMULA class between Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) was expected. 

Due to technical problems FORMULA class leader Ledermair had to exit the race-weekend, before it even had begun. So all eyes were set on runner-up Salvatore De Plano and Mahaveer Raghunathan. With a successful completion of their races, the Championship decision of the FORMULA class could get a completely new drive.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed), who had performed a strong Qualifying with aiming startposition 3 for the race, dropped out of the race already in lap 1, due to technical problems with the engine. It can be assumed, that Schnitzenbaumer will compete in second race of the weekend on Sunday (start: 11:00 a.m.).

While Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) and Rinus van Kalmthout (Mansell Motorsport, both OPEN class) drove in their own league on top of the field (both classes, FORMULA and OPEN, start in the same race), there was a strong battle behind the two leading drivers of the grid. Raghunathan kept the lead against De Plano sharply behind him, beating off the attacks of the Italian. In sixth lap De Plano finally overtook the Indian and defended the overall position 3 of the grid massively, driving his Dallara GP 2 to the limit. But – two laps before finish, the brake-disc of De Plano broke down, he had to let pass Raghunathan and finished the race finally on FORMULA position 2, overall position 4 of the grid.


De Plano (l.) versus Raghunathan (r.) in Imola 2017.

De Plano (l.) versus Raghunathan (r.) in Imola 2017.


„I am really disappointed“, De Plano told us after the race. „It was a great race in the beginning, I overtook Raghunathan and everything went well. Imola is a great track, driving in your home country is always special. So I was very happy, to race up in front of Raghunathan. But when the brake disc broke down, the ultimate chance for the Championship broke down as well. I can’t be happy with the P2 right now“, he resumed right after the podium ceremony.

Meanwhile Mahaveer Raghunathan was more than happy about his P1. „The race was good. Now I hope, tomorrow I win again. I am very happy, winning here in Imola and I will try everything, to win the second race in Imola again“, Raghunathan told us ofter the race. His ambitions for winning the Championship 2017 of the FORMULA class got new drive by todays race-day.


Imola 2017.

Battle for the P3 between Walter Steding (l.) and Armando Mangini (r.) Imola 2017.


Another thrilling duel was the battle between Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition) and Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport) on position 6 and 7 of the overall start grid, meaning position 3 and 4 of the FORMULA class. While Steding started from position 6, he was overtaken by Mangini in lap 6. Both cars kept close together, having only a little gap between the two of them for the rest of the race. Mangini finally made it to the P3 of the race.

René Kouwenberg (De Boer Manx) improved his performance over the race weekend and finished on position 6 in front of Martin Kindler (Jenzer Motorsport) on position 7. Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) on position 8 and Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) on position 9 followed. PETER had exited the race already before starting the engine, due to technical issues, which caused him quite a bit of trouble during free practices and Qualifying.

It will be an exciting second race day on Sunday. Cars will be on track for the very last season race on 11:00 a.m. Find live coverage and updates not only on our website, but also on all our social media channels:

Results of race 1, seasonrace 13, of FORMULA class at „Peroni Race Weekend“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Time Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 21:57,218 1:31,644 3 14  278,1
2 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2  22:39,654 1:31,618  5 42,436 14 295,6
4 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2  21:28,231 1:37,129  7 1 lap 13 293,2
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2  21:33,999 1:37,474 13 1 lap 13 291,6
6  139 René Kouwenberg NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  21:35,576 1:37,220 12 1 lap 13 294,0
7 430 Martin Kindler SUI Jenzer Motorsport Nissan World Series  22:00,765 1:39,686 10 1 lap 13 273,2
8 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Super Nissan World Series  22:05,020 1:39,414 10 1 lap 13 279,5
9 116 Nicolas Matile SUI PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP  20:50,441 1:42,153 10 2 laps 12 276,0
10 111 ‚PETER‘ FRA Ray-Ban World Series by Renault
11 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2


Picture gallery of Imola 2017:

Schedule Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list Imola 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: Florian Schnitzenbaumer drives to the top

Florian Schnitzenbaumer during Qualifying in Imola 2017.

Qualifying for the races on the „Peroni Race Weekend“ in Imola brought an interesting result for the FORMULA class.

First surprise already before first cars went on track: Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), currently leading the FORMULA ranking, exited his race weekend due to technical problems. „We have some issues, we currently can’t solve. Going on track would be to dangerous, that’s why we decided, to exit the race weekend on this point. We will leave still today and solve the technical problems of the car after returning home“, Johann Ledermair explains.

The exit of Ledermair for the last two races of the season brings new thrill for the final Championship decision of season 2017. Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) will fight for the title now, as long as both of them complete their races successfully.

But first – Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) rolled up the grid with a great performance at the Qualifying. Staying nine laps on track, the German drove his best lap in 1:30,008 min – fastest driver of the FORMULA grid, overall third fastest time of the whole grid (FORMULA and OPEN class), which means start-position 3 for the race in the afternoon (start: 3:40 p.m.).

Close behind the Top Speed driver was Mahaveer Raghunathan. The young Indian, currently ranked in position 3 of the overall ranking of the FORMULA class, arrived with high ambitions in Imola and will definitely fight with a high attitude for the Championship title 2017. With his best lap in 1:30,341 he finished Qualifying as second fastest driver of the FORMULA class with a sharp gap to Schnitzenbaumer, but on position 4 of the overall grid.

But where was De Plano? The Italian – racing on his home track – is as well highly ambitious and aiming for the title of the Champion 2017. He performed his best lap time in 1:32,754, which means third fastest driver of the FORMULA class in Qualifying, sixth fastest driver of the overall start grid. So De Plano will start from position 6 into the race on the afternoon.

Qualifying in Imola 2017.

Qualifying in Imola 2017: Salvatore De Plano (r.) in front of Rinus van Kalmthout and Ingo Gerstl (both OPEN class).


Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Martin Kindler (Jenzer Motorsport), René Kouwenberg (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) and PETER (Ray-Ban) completed the grid, while Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) spun of the track, his Lola Auto GP had to be recovered.

Drivers and crews now look forward to the first race of the weekend, which will start at 3:40 p.m. on Saturday afternoon.

Results of Qualifying of FORMULA class at „Peroni Race Weekend“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:30,008 9  296,4
2 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:30,341 0,333 2  276,7
3 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:32,754 2,746 5 288,5
4 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1.34,810 4,802 8 287,7
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:36,761 6,753 9 288,5
6 430 Martin Kindler SUI Jenzer Motorsport Nissan World Series 1:37,096 7,088 10 262,6
7  139 René Kouwenberg NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 1:38,480 8,472 11 285,4
8 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Super Nissan World Series 1:41,981 11,973 9 267,8
9 111 ‚PETER‘ FRA Ray-Ban World Series by Renault 1:52,840 21,832 2  236,2
10 116 Nicolas Matile SUI PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP


Picture gallery of Imola 2017:

Schedule Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list Imola 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: De Plano chasing best lap time

Second free practice in Imola 2017.

The second free practice on Friday afternoon (29th of September) brought some changes on top of the field.

Again both BOSS GP classes – OPEN and FORMULA class – went on track together for the practice session. Weather conditions in Imola presented itself at it’s best with 22°, a lot of sun, no clouds and no rain.

Two short red flag phases stopped the second free practice of the day, due to dangerous positions of spun cars on track. When the circuit was released again, Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) really stepped on the gas, not only chasing the fastest FORMULA lap time this afternoon, but also chasing OPEN class driver Rinus van Kalmthout (Mansell Motorsport). At the end De Plano improved his time from first free practice for more than a second with a 1:30,805 min and performed the fastest of all FORMULA class laps. He was 2,350 sec behind the OPEN class driver van Kalmthout (1:28,455 min).

Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) showed the second fastest performance of the FORMULA class at the afternoon practice session with a lap time of 1:31,746 min, improving his time from the morning practice session for 0,222 sec. Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) completed the trio in front of the FORMULA grid with his best lap in 1:32,645 min.

Free practice in Imola 2017.

Free practice in Imola 2017.


Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Martin Kindler (Jenzer Motorsport), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), René Kouwenberg (De Boer Manx), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) and Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) completed the grid. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) went on track as well, but had some time-transponder issues.

Next step of the race weekend is the Qualifying, which will start at 10:05 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Results of second free practice of FORMULA class at „Peroni Race Weekend“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:30,805 11 294,8
2 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:31,746  0,941 13 277,4
3 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:32,313 1,508 11 293,2
4 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:36,534 5,729 10 290,8
5 430 Martin Kindler SUI Jenzer Motorsport Nissan World Series 1:38639 7,834 10 266,5
6 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:39,065 8,260 12 291,6
7  139 René Kouwenberg NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2  1:39,177  8,372  13  283,2
8 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Super Nissan World Series 1:40,640 9,835 10 276,0
9  116 Nicolas Matile SUI PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP 1:42,439 11,634 10 275,3
10 111 ‚PETER‘ FRA Ray-Ban World Series by Renault
11 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2


Picture gallery of Imola 2017:

Schedule Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list Imola 2017:

OPEN class: Start list Imola 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: Fastest lap at first free practice for Raghuanthan

Mahaveer Raghunathan during first free practice in Imola 2017.

11 drivers have registered for the BOSS GP FORMULA class at the “Peroni Race Weekend” in Imola (ITA) and went on track for first action on Friday morning. Season races 13 and 14 will take place at the circuit in the north-east of Italy on Saturday and Sunday. The first free practice was scheduled on Friday morning (29th of September) at 10:20 a.m. It was a smooth practice session under great conditions.

Both BOSS GP classes – OPEN and FORMULA class – went on track together for the practice session. Weather conditions in Imola are great: 17°, sunny and dry.

With the exception of one red flag phase, due to a spun off the track by Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), practice turned out well and ran smoothly. Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) showed the fastest performance of the FORMULA class at the first practice session on the 4,909 km long track with a lap time of 1:31,968 min in his Lola Auto GP.

Salvatore De Plano on track in Imola 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (l.) on track in Imola 2017, followed by Florian Schnitzenbaumer.


Raghunathan, staying twelve laps on track, was followed sharply, with a enormous close gap of just 0,018 sec, by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) with a best lap time in 1:31,986 min. The Italian showed a good performance in his Dallara GP2. Highly ambitious, the local hero racing in Imola wants to „push, push, push“. It was Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport), who completed the trio on top of the grid. With 1:32,702 min he showed the third fastest time of the FORMULA class during first free practice in his Dallara GP2.


Johann Ledermair on track in Imola 2017.

Johann Ledermair on track in Imola 2017.


Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Martin Kindler (Jenzer Motorsport), ‚PETER‘ (Ray-Ban) and Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) completed the grid. René Kouwenberg had some issues with the time transponder, but went on track for practice session as well.

Results of first free practice of FORMULA class at „Peroni Race Weekend“:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Fastest lap (min) Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 1:31,968 12 277,4
2 999 Salvatore De Plano ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:31,986 0,018 9 290,8
3 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:32,702 0,734 8 290,0
4 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2 1:35,580 3,612 11 281,7
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 1:38,290 6,322 8 289,3
6 323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 1:38,571 6,603 8 268,4
7 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport Super Nissan World Series 1:42,048 10,080 10 273,2
8 430 Martin Kindler SUI Jenzer Motorsport Nissan World Series 1:42,477 11,037 8 261,3
9 111 ‚PETER‘ FRA Ray-Ban World Series by Renault 1:48,848 17,408 9 246,4
11  116 Nicolas Matile SUI PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Lola Auto GP 1:51,368 19,400 11 260,7
12  139 René Kouwenberg NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2


Picture gallery of Imola 2017:

Schedule Imola 2017:

OPEN class: First free practice in Imola 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list Imola 2017:

OPEN class: Start list Imola 2017:

Standings of season 2017:


FORMULA class: Start list for BOSS GP Superprix in Imola (ITA) is set

Masaryk Racing Days in Brno 2017.

The final races of the BOSS GP Championship season 2017 will take place on the weekend of 30th of September and 1st of October. The circuit in Imola (ITA) and the BOSS GP Superprix is waiting for the BOSS GP crews. The start list for the event in Italy is now set. 

14 drivers in total (FORMULA and OPEN class) signed up for the event in Imola. Fans and specatators can look forward to some interesting and exciting duels on track. Eleven drivers will compete in the FORMULA class. Current leader of the class, Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) will be on track as well as runner up Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and third, Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport). Two new entries will join the team: Nicolas Matile (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) as well as René Kouwenberg (De Boer Manx) will be on track for BOSS GP for the first time this season.

This is the start list for the FORMULA class at the „BOSS GP Superprix“ in Imola (ITA):

Start-No. Name Team Nat. Make Type
111 ‚PETER‘ Ray-Ban FRA Dallara World Series by Renault
115 Mahaveer Raghunathan PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport IND Lola Auto GP
116 Nicolas Matile PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport SUI Lola Auto GP
139 René Kouwenberg De Boer Manx NED Dallara GP2
323 Armando Mangini MM International Motorsport ITA Dallara GP2
411 Karl-Heinz Becker Becker Motorsport GER Dallara World Series by Nissan
430 Martin Kindler Jenzer Motorsport SUI Dallara Nissan World Series
444 Johann Ledermair Ledermair Motorsport AUT Dallara GP2
505 Walter Steding Inter Europol Competition GER Dallara GP2
 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer Top Speed  GER Dallara  GP2
999 Salvatore De Plano MM International Motorsport ITA Dallara GP2


BOSS GP is competing at seven different European venues in 2017, holding 14 races in total. Hockenheim (GER) in April, Zandvoort (NED) in May, Paul Picard (FRA) in June, Zolder (BEL) in July, Assen (NED) in August and Brno (CZE) are done. The race weekend in Imola with season races 13 and 14 are the final stage for this years Championship season.


Find detailed statistics of current standings here:

Find all informations about the Circuit in Imola on this website:


FORMULA class: Clear win for Ledermair, strong catch-up by De Plano in season race 12

Runner up at season race 12 in Brno 2017: Salvatore De Plano.

Driving in a kind of his own class, Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) showed a great performance and victory at season race 12 on Sunday at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno. But also Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) showed a great race, catching up P2 at the final stage of the race. But not only in front of the race the spectators at the Brno Circuit saw great performances. Also the further start grid showed exciting battles with only very narrow gaps. 

Johann Ledermair lead the FORMULA field of the start grid with a significant gap in front of his chasers, i.e. 17,650 sec in front of second ranked Salvatore De Plano at the finish line. „The start went very well, as well as the following laps“, Ledermair summed up the race. „We found the best set up for the car for the track in Brno, so the car ran great. I’m really happy with the performance, it was a fast race for me today“, the Austrian explained after the podium ceremony, being satisfied with the race weekend at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ and his P1 in season race 11 on Saturday as in season race 12 on Sunday. Ledermair crossed the finish line with a total time of 25:51,879 min, driving his fastest lap in 1:44,940. The Austrian improved his lap record from Saturday’s race significantly (1:45,709).


De Plano on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.

De Plano on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.


Ledermair was followed by runner up Salvatore De Plano, who had started from position 6 of the start grid and gained a couple of positions during the race. In lap 11 De Plano attacked Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport) and Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) and stepped up to position 2 of the FORMULA class, position 3 of the total start grid and finished the race with a total time of 26:09,529. The Italian drove his fastest lap in lap 2 with 1:47,467. And he was really happy with his race: „It was exciting. Attacking shortly before the finish was not that easy, but it worked out and I could gain two positions. So I’m very happy with the result and finishing on P2“, De Plano was very satisfied.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer completed the podium, due to a 30 second penalty for Mahaveer Raghunathan for not respecting the track limits. The German had shown a strong performance, racing in a close group with Raghunathan and De Plano during the whole race. After the penalty the Indian finally was ranked on position 10 of the FORMULA grid, while Schnitzenbaumer stepped on for one position, crossing the finishing line with a total time of 26:11,634.


Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track in Brno 2017 during season race 12.


The following start grid showed exciting battles as well. With just close gaps between each other, Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsport), Peter Göllner (Speed Center), Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition), Christian Eicke (Speed Center) and local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing).

Very unlucky after the race was Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing Team), who dropped out of the race already during the second lap, due to technical problems. Henk De Boer (De Boer Manx) didn’t participate in Sunday’s race because having technical issues as well.

Complete result of race 2 at the „Masaryk Racing Days“ in Brno 2017:

Result of race 2 at Brno 2017.

Result of race 2 at Brno 2017.


With this race result, Ledermair is back on top of the FORMULA class ranking in total (247 points in total), followed by De Plano (243) and Raghunathan (241). The top trios distances the following drivers with a significant gap: Fourth ranked Armando Mangini has a total of 103 points, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (5.) has now 110 points.


Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Race 1 in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

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FORMULA class: Ledermair with 8th win of the season

Podium race 1 in Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Well, it was an interesting race for the BOSS GP crews at the heart of Czechian motorsport in Brno on saturday afternoon. Seven out of 12 drivers finished the race properly. Johann Ledermair (Ledermair Motorsport) made it to the top of the podium, followed by Salvatore De Plano (MM International Motorsport) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport). 

Already before the start, Florian Schnitzenbaumer (Top Speed) dropped out of the grid during the warm up lap due to technical issues. So finally a start grid of 14 drivers in total, eleven FORMULA cars, went on the track.

„It was a good start. I managed to stay close to the OPEN class cars, that worked out well“, race winner Johann Ledermair summed up. It was an impressive start for runner up Salvatore De Plano as well, who overtook a couple of cars and made it to position 4 of the total grid (incl. OPEN class) during the first two laps, what means position 2 of the FORMULA grid.

After a spun off the track by Peter Göllner (Speed Center) in lap 6, the safety car had to turn on the track and slowed the grid down for two laps. „That phase seemed a bit like loosing the thread of the race, taking the tension of the race“, Ledermair explained after the race. Goal of the young Austrian was, to attack the OPEN class cars in front of him. But due to another yellow flag phase after a further spin off the track by Göllner his plan didn’t work out as planned, Ledermair admitted. So at the end the Austrian crossed the finishing line on position 3 after 20:59,913 min of the overall grid and as first FORMULA driver of the grid, what meant P1 of his class. At the same time P3 of the overall start grid by Ledermair meant completion of „Austrian festival“ in Brno, since the three top positions all were held by Austrian drivers (P1: Ingo Gerstl, P2: Bernd Herndlhofer (both OPEN class)). Ledermair performed his bis lap with 1:45,709 (lap 2).

The Austrian was satisfied with the result of the race: „It was a clear win of the FORMULA class for me, so me and my team are happy with that.“ Looking ahead, Ledermair is thinking about the setup of his Dallara GP2: „We continuously work on the setup of the car since the first race of the season. Working with new tyres is a totally new experience for us, so we have to test and improve a lot of things each race. During today’s race we learned some new issues again, so we are not satisfied with the setup by 100% by now and will work on the setup until tomorrow’s race again“, Ledermair gave an insight for the rest of the day of Team Ledermair.

Meanwhile Salvatore De Plano gave a wide smile after crossing the finish line on P2 of the FORMULA class with a total time of 21:15,262 (best lap: 1:48,308 in lap 3). „Fantastico, fantastico!“, the Italian cheered. As a matter of fact the driver of team MM International Intersport made a huge jump from start position 8 to position 4 at the end of the race. Struggling with some issues De Plano wasn’t really happy with the performance of the Qualifying, but explained: „I don’t know exactly, what the problem was. The car was perfect, but I don’t know why – the car was suddenly slowly at the middle of the corner.“ Things worked out much better at the race, so De Plano was happy with the performance during the race. „Thanks to my team, we did a great job“, he said after the race, looking forward to Sunday’s race in Brno. „I will push immediately from the start“, is the plan of the overall ranked third of the FORMULA class. „I’m looking forward for a strong competition again, that’s always much more fun to race. So it will be great with Florian Schnitzenbaumer on track again“, De Plano explained.

The Top trio of the FORMULA class was completed by young Indian Mahaveer Raghunathan on P3, who crossed the finish line after 21:16,339 (best lap: 1:49,025 in lap 1).


Race 1 in Brno 2017.

Salvatore De Plano (r.) and Mahaveer Raghunathan (l.) on track during race 1 in Brno 2017.


Armando Mangini (MM International Motorsports, 21:18,737), Walter Steding (Inter Europol Competition, 21:32,689), Christian Eicke (Speed Center, 21:33,327) and Henk De Boer (De Boer Manx, 22:04,282) followed on positions 4 to 7 of season race 11.

In total five cars dropped out of grid and race. Besides Schnitzenbaumer Karl-Heinz Becker (Becker Motorsport) returned to the box in lap 5 due to technical issues. Technical issues as well stopped local hero Veronika Cicha (H&A Racing) one lap later. Peter Göllner and Andreas Fiedler (H&A Racing) dropped out due to technical issues in lap 7. Since BOSS GP rules require a completion of 75% of the laps of the race winner, none of the dropped out drivers drove the necessary eight laps for classification. Nevertheless drivers look forward to Sunday’s race (start: 12:10 p.m.), to hunt for championship points again.

The overall results of race 1 of FORMULA class at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Position No. Name Nat. Team Car Total time Fastest lap (min) In Gap (s) Laps km/h
1 444 Johann Ledermair AUT Ledermair Motorsport Dallara GP2 20:59,913 1:45,709 2 11 184,003
2  999 Salvatore De Plano  ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:15,262 1:48,308 3 15,349 11 179,588
3 115 Mahaveer Raghunathan IND PS Racing by Coloni Motorsport Dallara Lola 21:16,339 1:49,025 1 16,426 11 178,407
4  323 Armando Mangini ITA MM International Motorsport Dallara GP2 21:18,737 1:50,404 9 18,824 11 176,178
5 505 Walter Steding GER Inter Europol Competition Dallara GP2 21:32,689 1:53,087 10 32,776 11 171,999
6 555 Christian Eicke SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:33,327 1:53,325 10 33,414 11 171,637
7 136 Henk de Boer NED De Boer Manx Dallara GP2 22:04,282 1:53,155 1 1:04,369 11 171,895
8 321 Andreas Fiedler GER H&A Racing Dallara GP2 13:53,190 1:49,748 3 4 177,231
9 101 Peter Göllner SUI Speed Center Dallara GP2 21:05,640 1:51,976 2 4 173,705
10 222  Veronika Cicha CZ H&A Racing Team Dallara GP2 12:29,943 1:56,092 2 5 167,546
11 411 Karl-Heinz Becker GER Becker Motorsport World Series by Nissan 9:53,378 1:52,501 3 6 172,894
12 888 Florian Schnitzenbaumer GER Top Speed Dallara GP2


Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.

Results race 1 Brno 2017, FORMULA class.


So in total it’s the trio of Raghunathan (233 points in total), Ledermair (222) and De Plano (221), who lead the FORMULA field of the BOSS GP after season race 11. It can be assumed, that Ledermair will show strong attack on season race 12 this Sunday, to fight back for the Top 1 position of his class in total.


Picture gallery of Brno 2017:

Timetable Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Qualifying Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Second free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: First free practice in Brno 2017:

FORMULA class: Start list at “Masaryk Racing Days” in Brno 2017:

Standings of season 2017:

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