The Cuvee Sensorium Grand Prix originally planned for 13 to 15 August 2021 is postponed until next year.
The scheduled appearance at the Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring in August had to be cancelled due to the severe storms in the Ahr valley. A record number of participants had announced their attendance, including Le Mans winner Marco Werner in an IndyCar. The reason for the postponement to 2022 (12 to 14 August) is that the paddock is being used as an operations centre for relief workers in the flooded regions. Tickets which have already been sold will remain valid for the following year.
Dr Willie Beck, Series Coordinator BOSS GP Racing Series:
“After a season already affected by COVID-19, the BOSS GP has so far overcome all hurdles and offered good racing. However, nobody could have predicted what happened in Germany in July. In view of what those events, a cancellation is completely understandable and even though it deprived us all of a great race weekend, our thoughts were and are with the people in the flooded areas.
Now we have to look forward, the great and challenging racetrack in Brno is our next host – we are looking forward to it!”
Die Gamma Racing Days mit dem Cuvee Sensorium BOSS Grand Prix wurden auf September verlegt.
Die BOSS GP-Veranstaltung in den Niederlanden findet anstatt im August nun von 25. bis 27. September statt. Aufgrund der ausgedehnten Regelungen zur Eindämmung des Corona-Virus mussten die Veranstalter reagieren und populäre Event in den Herbst verlegen. Bereits gekaufte Fahrerlager-Tickets und VIP-Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu einem möglichen Saisonstart werden
zeitnah auf veröffentlicht.
The Gamma Racing Days with the Cuvee Sensorium BOSS Grand Prix have been moved to September.
The BOSS GP event in the Netherlands will now take place from 25 to 27 September instead of August. Due to the extensive regulations to control the spread of the corona virus, the organizers were forced to react and move the popular event to fall. Already purchased paddock tickets and VIP tickets remain valid.
Current developments regarding a possible start of the season will be published as soon as possible on
Europe’s most exciting racing series visits six top-class racetracks in the upcoming season – two of them are new on the schedule.
The 26th season of BOSS GP begins with a premiere. The
opening race of this spectacular motorsport series will take place at the end
of March in Mugello. The MotoGP circuit is one of the most popular tracks in
Italy and is owned by Ferrari. In 2020 the location will be back on the BOSS GP
schedule after a five-year break. From 27 to 29 March, the comeback of the Big
Open Single Seater series will be the highlight of the Peroni Racing Weekend.
From 24 to 26 April, the fastest racing cars on the
continent will be guests at the Hockenheimring in Germany. The Bosch Hockenheim
Historic is one of the most important classic racing events in Europe and
attracts numerous spectators to the Motodrom year after year. In the program of
the revival dedicated to Jim Clark, BOSS GP is a perfect headliner.
A completely new racetrack for the BOSS GP pilots will
follow in June: The Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli is the venue for
races 5 and 6 of the season. The flat track is technically demanding and an
ideal playground for BOSS GP racing. The racetrack near Rimini is located
directly on the Adriatic coast and can be easily combined with a holiday.
Fantastic crowd at the Gamma Race Days in Assen
In 2020 the BOSS GP series is again part of the Gamma
Race Days in Assen. After the summer break in July, Formula 1, Formula 2 and other
spectacular monoposto cars will show their strength from 7 to 9 August in front
of an enormous crowd of 100,000 Dutch fans. In addition to BOSS GP,
motorcycles, touring cars and superkarts will also be putting the pedal to the
metal. Admission is free.
The first weekend of September (4–6) will see the
Masaryk Racing Days in Brno on the schedule of the BOSS GP racing series. The
biggest Czech circuit will be once again a thrilling location, which has
delivered exciting BOSS GP races in the past.
The grand final will take place in Imola like in 2019. After a successful comeback with fantastic races and satisfied drivers, BOSS GP will return to the Emilia-Romagna region on 23, 24 and 25 October. We hope for another exciting title decision as in FORMULA class 2019.
Unique motorsport is guaranteed with BOSS GP in 2020
As usual there will be two free practice sessions, one qualifying session and two 20 to 25-minute races on each race weekend. The exact timetables and ticket information will be published on prior to the races.
BOSS GP-Reifenlieferant Pirelli und Champagner-Partner Cuvee Sensorium haben zur BOSS GP-Preisverleihung 2019 in die österreichischen Alpen geladen.
Die Jubiläumssaison von BOSS GP endete mit einem
schillernden Fest, bei dem Teams und Freunde von Europas schnellster Rennserie
das Jahr Revue passieren ließen. In diesem Jahr, dem 25. von BOSS GP, fand die Zeremonie
in Maria Alm nahe Salzburg statt.
Moderner Schuppen mit urigem Hüttencharme, das ist die Tom Almhütte in Maria Alm
Mit eigens dekorierten BOSS GP-Gondeln ging’s für die Gäste hinauf zu Toms Almhütte auf 1166 Meter Seehöhe. Neben exzellentem Champagner von BOSS GP-Partner Cuvee Sensorium wurde auch exzellente österreichische Küche geboten. Nach Kasnockn, Braten und Kaiserschmarrn wurden die drei Besten aus den beiden Wertungen OPEN und FORMULA geehrt. Überreicht wurden die Pokale von Stargast und Elvis Tribute Artist Rusty.
Thomas Hummer (am Bild) von Pirelli Österreich führt gemeinsam mit Joi Regenstein von Cuvee Sensorium durch den Abend
Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) aus Österreich bekam zum fünften Mal den Meisterpokal für den Gewinn der offenen Klasse überreicht. Eine Ehrungspremiere war’s für den Franzosen „Piter“ (Ray-Ban), der in diesem Jahr nicht nur mit seinen Tanzkünsten bei der Zeremonie glänzte, sondern auch mit Platz 2 in der OPEN-Wertung.
OPEN-Meister Gerstl bekommt wie alle anderen Sieger eine speziell kreierte Champagner-Flasche in der BOSS GP-Edition von Cuvee Sensorium
Der strahlende Champion der FORMULA-Kategorie heißt Marco Ghiotto (ITA), betreut von der Scuderia Palladio. In einem über die ganze Saison andauernden Duell mit Landsmann Alessandro Bracalente (Speed Center) setzte er sich letztlich knapp durch. Ghiotto ließ anklingen, im kommenden Jahr weitere Fahrer in die Serie zu locken. Den Pokal für Rang 3 bekam Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) überreicht, der mit seinem ganzen Team zur Feier kam und ein für ihn sehr erfolgreiches Jahr ausklingen ließ.
Die besten Bilder des Jahres gibt’s für die BOSS GP-Fahrer auf Glas
Überdies bekamen die Meister Gerstl und Ghiotto maßgefertigte Carbon-Helme von Bell Helmets. Aber auch alle anderen Fahrer durften etwas mit nach Hause nehmen: Von jedem Piloten wurde das beste Foto des Jahres auf Glas gedruckt, ausgestellt und später übergeben.
Die neue Saison startet am 28. März 2020 in Mugello. Details
zum weiteren Terminkalender werden in Kürze auf der Webseite veröffentlicht.
BOSS GP tyre supplier Pirelli and champagne partner Cuvee Sensorium have invited to the 2019 BOSS GP awards ceremony in the Austrian Alps.
The anniversary season of BOSS GP ended with a festive event where teams and friends from Europe’s fastest racing series celebrated the 25th year of BOSS GP. This year, the prize giving ceremony took place in Maria Alm near Salzburg.
Modern architecture meets rustic alpine charm – that’s Tom Almhütte in Maria Alm
With specially decorated BOSS GP gondolas the guests were taken up to Toms Almhütte at 1166 metres above sea level. In addition to excellent champagne from BOSS GP partner Cuvee Sensorium, excellent Austrian cuisine was offered. After traditional cheese noodles, roast and Kaiserschmarrn, the three best from the two categories OPEN and FORMULA were honoured. The trophies were handed over by star guest and Elvis Tribute artist Rusty.
Thomas Hummer (on the picture) from Pirelli Austria presents the show together with Joi Regenstein from Cuvee Sensorium
Ingo Gerstl (Top Speed) from Austria received for the fifth time the champions trophy for winning the OPEN class. For the Frenchman “Piter” (Ray-Ban) it was a premiere at the award ceremony. This year he not only performed brilliantly on the dancefloor, he also took second place in OPEN standings.
OPEN champion Gerstl, like all other winners, gets a specially created champagne bottle in the BOSS GP edition of Cuvee Sensorium
Proud champion of the FORMULA category is Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio). In a season-long duel with fellow countryman Alessandro Bracalente (Speed Center) he finally won by a narrow margin. Ghiotto announced that he will bring more drivers into the series next year. Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) was presented with the trophy for third place.
The best pictures of the year printed on glass for all BOSS GP drivers
Furthermore, the champions Gerstl and Ghiotto received custom-made carbon helmets from Bell. All other BOSS GP drivers got a very special present too: The best photo of the year from each pilot was printed on glass, shown during the evening and handed over later.
The new season starts on March 28, 2020 in Mugello. Details on the further schedule will be published soon on
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