Schlagwort: Prestige

New regulations for 2019

Only 86 days left until the first race of the BOSS GP 2019. Here are the first details about the anniversary season of Europe’s fastest racing series.

Interested drivers and teams can now find the preliminary version of the sporting and technical regulations for the 2019 season on or directly here for download. The most important changes have been marked yellow in the PDF document.

The biggest change concerns the classification of the classes:
If enough entries are submitted, a separate ranking for the otherwise less competitive 6-cylinder vehicles will be offered in 2019. The name of the new class is BOSS GP Prestige. Cars from the World Series by Renault V6, the World Series by Nissan and Formula 3000 cars built from 2002 onwards are permitted.

This has an effect on the start numbers: The Open class for Formula 1 cars, IndyCars and cars with similar performance gets the starting numbers 1 to 9, the Formula class for Formula 2 and similar cars the numbers 20 to 99, the Prestige class 100 to 990.

Drivers and teams can already submit their entries for the entire season. For all those who register before the end of February, there is a discount on the entry fee. The document can also be found at or downloaded here. The closing date for entries is March, the 29th 2019.

In 2019 the Big Open Single Seaters (BOSS) will have their 25th season. Six attractive events with 12 races on the most beautiful racetracks in Europe are on the schedule:

Erste Nennungen für 2019

22 Fahrer aufgeteilt auf 11 Teams haben bereits ihre Teilnahme an der BOSS GP 2019 zugesagt. Neu für 2019: Die PRESTIGE-Wertung für Autos mit 6-Zylinder-Motoren.

Bei genügend Einschreibungen wird 2019 eine eigene Wertung für die ansonsten unterlegenen 6-Zylinder-Fahrzeuge ausgeschrieben. Das betrifft u.a. ältere World-Series-Autos. Damit gibt es neben der OPEN (F1, IndyCar) und der FORMULA (GP2, World Series, A1 GP, Auto GP, Superleague etc.) eine dritte Wertung innerhalb der BOSS GP.

Mit Formula Prestige und ESBA Racing haben bereits jetzt zwei neue Teams ihre Teilnahme an der BOSS GP 2019 angekündigt. Das GT-erfahrene Team ESBA setzt für den Deutschen Ulf Ehninger einen 1997er-Benetton F1 ein. Damit könnten wir neben Phil Stratfords Boliden einen zweiten B197 in der OPEN-Klasse sehen.

Das italienische Team Formula Prestige hat zwei Fahrerplätze ausgeschrieben, noch kann man sich beim Team für einen Platz in einem der World-Series-Autos bewerben. Näheres dazu auf ihrer Fanpage:

Einen aktuellen Überblick mit laufenden Updates über alle Fahrer gibt es auf

Interessierte Fahrer und Teams können sich bei Rennkoordinatorin Malin Strandberg melden: oder per Telefon unter +43 650 78 40 784

First entries for 2019

22 drivers and 11 teams have already confirmed their participation in the BOSS GP race series 2019. New for the upcoming season: The PRESTIGE category for cars with 6-cylinder engines.

In 2019, if there are enough registrations, a separate classification for the 6-cylinder cars will be awarded. This concerns, among other cars, older World Series vehicles. Alongside the OPEN (F1, IndyCar) and the FORMULA (GP2, World Series, A1 GP, Auto GP, Superleague etc.), there is now a third classification within the Big Open Single Seaters.

With Formula Prestige and ESBA Racing, two new teams have announced their involvement in the BOSS GP 2019. The GT-experienced team ESBA enters a 1997 Benetton F1 for the German Ulf Ehninger. This would allow us to see a second B197 in the OPEN class alongside Phil Stratford’s car.
The Italian based team Formula Prestige has announced two drivers seats. You can still apply to the team for a place in one of their World Series race cars. More details on their fan page:

A current overview with updates on all drivers can be found at

Interested drivers and teams are invited to contact our race coordinator Malin Strandberg at or by phone at +43 650 78 40 7 784 to register for 2019.